By Peter Cliffe (Principal)
We continue to work hard to improve our facilities at BHCS. A number of minor projects were completed over the recent term break including landscaping and installation of a platypus sculpture outside the admin office; relocation of the Alinta uniform shop to the vacant rooms under the primary refurb area; installation of 2 concrete ramps in the school car park; and creating of a new office (formerly a storeroom) for Human Resources in the admin area.
The school also financed the construction of a new turning lane into Wattle Valley Road over the term break. We are still waiting on turning arrows to be painted on to this turning lane. As this is now a formal slip/turning lane, it should be used as such and we ask that vehicles refrain from:
- Using this lane to park and/or drop off or pick up children
- Cutting across the turning lane in front of vehicles who are using the lane correctly
You may have also noticed that the pedestrian crossing outside the school has been raised. It is now officially a 'wombat crossing'.
The other important news is that our new platypus sculpture has been christened with the name 'Percy'. We trust that everyone takes care of Percy by not climbing on him or standing on the plants surrounding him!
Elijah Halliday (Secondary Teacher)
On Monday some of our VCE Legal Studies students had the amazing opportunity to head into the city for a day of fun and learning.
The day started with meeting Mrs Fraanje and Mr Halliday at the Old Melbourne Gaol. We learned about the history of law and order in Victoria, including some of the gruesome crimes and punishments over the centuries.
We then headed to the old Magistrates’ Court and took part in a culpable driving role play. This was an eye-opening experience to witness the real impact of crime on individuals and the community.
Our final stop was Parliament House where our fantastic tour guide showed us around the magnificent building. We were able to practice our knowledge of law-making by passing a bill in the Legislative Assembly, with some students even sitting in the chairs of the Speaker and Premier.
A highlight for many was meeting the Member for Monbulk, Daniela De Martino, who offered valuable insights into her job and what she loves about politics. Overall, it was a tremendous day of fun and hands-on learning for all!
By Daniel Dema (Secondary Teacher)
We went on the Year 11 Camp for three days at the very start of Term 2. Our campsite was the Adventure Resort in Phillip Island. We were blessed with good weather for the most part, which meant that the conditions were great for our activities.
Our students took some surfing lessons at Smiths Beach. It was great to see them enjoying themselves and having multiple goes at catching the waves and getting up on the board. Needless to say, we have some very gifted surfers among us.
Our students also tested their skills at archery and worked in groups to beat the best times in Team Rescue. They also enjoyed a nice paddle on the lake in the canoes, spiced up with some contests.
After that, the students got their adrenaline running in activities like the Twin Flying Fox and the Giant Swing.
On the first night, we all went to A Maze'n Things, where we enjoyed some illusion acts, solved puzzles, went down the giant slide, tried not to get lost in the maze and showed off our minigolf skills.
After the second day rotations, in the evening, we all took part in a big Trivia Night, with topics for all tastes, ranging from sports, music and movies to Geography, Science and TV shows from childhood. Between the rounds, we had lots of laughs during special challenges that included building and flying a paper plane, eating an Oreo without using your hands and continuing a song after reading the first few lines.
On the last day, apart from our usual activities, we also had the very popular Laser Strike, with great and enthusiastic participation from both students and staff.
We really enjoyed this camp and we are very grateful for our students, whose good manners and kind behaviour were commented on multiple times during our stay there by the camp staff.
By Georgie Armstrong (Secondary Teacher)
This week our Year 7 and 8 students took part in a Cyber Safety incursion. BHCS is fortunate to use the Digital Thumbprint resource which is an award-winning program that supports digital safety and wellbeing for young people and families. The program is endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider.
Dom, the presenter, was engaging, relevant and informative.
Students took away key messages from his presentation, which we hope will be enacted and become meaningful as they make healthy choices when using online interactions.
Year 7s focus was on Cybersecurity – Students gain the skills to create strong passwords, use two-factor authentication, enable privacy settings on social media and how to stay safe playing online games. They begin to understand the power and danger of what is shared online.
Year 8s focus was on Protecting Your Personal Information (PYPI) - With hackers, scammers and fake friends reaching kids via game chat and social media, there are some great digital defence moves that can help stop cyber criminals in their tracks.
Our Year 9 students will also have a session soon where they will learn valauble skills in staying safe online.
By Andrew Ware (Deputy Head of Secondary)
It is always important for the school community to pause each year to commemorate ANZAC Day. As we pause to remember those who have served and died for our country, we honour them and their families who have given so much. 2024 marks the 110th anniversary of the start of the First World War, and so this year's theme of 'In Memoriam' was especially fitting.
It was particularly nice this year to be able to welcome parents and families to the service again, and we are thankful to those who joined us.
Our school leaders (both Primary and Secondary) did a wonderful job with their various roles and it was nice to be able to include staff in setting the memorial table and laying wreaths.
Especially moving were the spoken tributes to those linked to the school community who were killed in action along with the Preps and Year 1s laying their poppies in memory of these soldiers.
Thank you to all who were involved, particularly to Mrs Hannah Denny and the Secondary Choir for their performance, and to Aaron for playing the Last Post and Reveille.
As always, a very special thank you to Mrs Joy McGrath who, even in retirement, continues to bless our school with her dedicated planning of the ANZAC Service each year!