From the Principal

Happy Easter to all our families

TOMORROW - ANZAC Day public holiday

FRIDAY - School Closure - Staff Time in Lieu


Dear Parents and Carers


Please note that weekly Parish mass times will now be located each week on our School Hours / Timetable page in our newsletter. 

Please be sure to check our updated Calendar in the Term Dates section of the newsletter!


ANZAC prayer

Dear God, today we think of our soldiers for what they did in Gallipoli all those years ago and thank them for their bravery. 

Bless our nurses, doctors, cooks, sailors and air pilots and all those who lost their lives during World War One. 

Please God let their soul rest and reward them for their courage. 


Cross Country

Congratulations to our Year Three to Six students who bravely competed in our School Cross Country event. Whether it was 2km or 3km, it was great to see so many give it their best shot with a growth mindset and a drive to do finish the event. 

9/10 Boys9/10 Girls
Rafferty HigginsMadison Minter
Jordan GoshEmma Prior
Zach TudorEvie Preston
11 Boys11 Girls
Alex BurnAnna Rorke
Jay FidaAnnabelle Squire
Brayden FidaChloe Devasagayam
12 Boys12 Girls
Archie MurrayClare Whitehouse
Ethan SquireEva Dodds
Massi ThompsonHaonan Feng

Students who have qualified for the district Cross Country event will be notified shortly. This will be held on Tuesday 14th May. 

Enhancement Session

Thank you to all who attended last Saturday's Enhancement Session, from grandparents to parents to children. We had many hands on deck and were able to achieve all our goals for the day... levelling of softfall in the biggie; clearing and weeding of the garden along the Morotai Ave fence; cleaning and levelling of the sandpits; sweeping of paths around the quadrangle; cleaning of many windows and even cleaning of some of our storm drains! A fabulous effort from everyone!

Year Five/Six Camp - 1st to 3rd May

Our Year Five/Six students will be attending Camp Rumbug in Foster next week from Wednesday to Friday. Students will need to arrive onsite by 8am and meet in the Hub. We are due home by 3.30pm on Friday. If there are any changes to our return time, parents will be notified via Operoo.

On Monday 6th May, the Year Five/Six teachers will be taking Time in Lieu for hours accrued during camp. 

Inform & Empower Student Incursions

Over the next few weeks, each year level will be taking part in Live Incursions online, created by Inform & Empower. These incursion extend the learning about digital safety and personal wellbeing that was begun in Term 1. Marty McGuaran and his team interact with the students through the live sessions, reiterating ways that they can stay safe online and reminding them about what they can do if something does happen while they are online - where to go; who to talk to; what to do. We look forward to welcoming Marty back into our classrooms for these vital sessions in the coming weeks.

Year Level Newsletters

This week we issue our Year Level Newsletters again which contain important dates for your year level as well as the focus of learning for the term. I urge parents to please take a look at these newsletters so you have an idea of what students are learning. Supporting your child's learning at home through conversations, questions and even researching together will really help to cement the learning and help children to make wider connections. 

Psychology Services Expression of interest

On Saturday, an Operoo notification was sent to all families for consideration around having. Having heard from a few families, I will be investigating further as to how we can arrange this. Ideally, having a psychologist work onsite would mean that families wouldn't need to seek elsewhere, which has been challenging over the last few years. It also means families wouldn't need to find additional time in their busy lives. 


Psychology Services can provide assessments and support for:

  • Specific Learning Disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Autism
  • Attention Deficit Disorder etc

If you haven't already emailed me to indicate you would consider using this service, please do so as soon as you are able so we have an idea of the number of families who are interested ~ 

Please know that any information you share with me will remain completely confidential!


We take this opportunity to congratulate Jooyeon Lee in Year 2 for her achievement in attaining her black belt, inclusive of her first Dan in Martial Arts. A Dan is a ranking system used to show improvement in a person's ability. Jooyeon is now striving towards achieving her 2nd Dan. Well done Jooyeon! We are all proud of you!

Open Days & Kinder Kids Sessions

Please see the next page for details.