2 Minute Parent Survey
2 Stars and Wish
2 Minute Parent Survey
2 Stars and Wish
Can you spare 2 minutes to complete a short survey to help our school continue to improve?
This is important to us as the school heads into our 4-Yearly Review. Your Perspective, Praise, and Feedback help us to understand the things that are going well and what our attention needs to be drawn to. Importantly, it will help shape the vision we set for our school and the prioritise for our work, time, and effort over the next 4 years. To ensure we have given all parents an opportunity to have their say, we have created an online survey to provide us with '2 stars' and '1 wish' about Albanvale PS.
Alternatively, we welcome you to email us your thoughts to albanvale.ps@education.vic.gov.au
Thank you for taking the time to help us achieve excellence together!