Admin News

2024 booklists and fee schedules will be sent out to families via Compass.
Financial Support for Families
Kambrya College understands that some families may experience financial difficulty and offers a range of support options, including:
- the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) If you hold a valid Health Care or Pension card please obtain and complete a CSEF application form.
- State Schools Relief support is also available for Health Care or Pension card holders for uniforms, footwear, calculators, textbooks.
If you would like to discuss support options, are having difficulty in making the requested contributions, or would like to discuss alternative payment arrangements,
please contact Student Accounts on 03 9707 7635 or 03 9707 7639 for a confidential discussion.
Procedure for Students Leaving Early
A reminder to parents/guardians to notify the college prior to students leaving school early for any of the following reasons:
• Leaving school early for a planned appointment - if prior knowledge is given, our front office staff can arrange for your child/ren to be waiting for you to collect them at the front office – please let the office know as far in advance as possible.
• For emergencies/unplanned appointments or other reasons for your child/ren to leave school early - please contact the front office via phone as soon as possible so that we can arrange for your child/ren to be waiting for you at the front office to be picked up.
• Parents/Guardians/Emergency contacts must have their photo ID on them when collecting their child/ren and sign students out in the Early Leavers book at the front office. Please note that if the person collecting the student is not on their emergency contact list you must advise the office of the person’s name and give authorisation for them to collect the student.
Car Parking
- Please do not park in front of our neighbours’ driveways at drop off and pick up times.
- Parents/carers are not permitted to use either of the staff car parks for drop off or pick up.
- Do not park in Brentwood Park Family Practice's car park. This is private property.
- Do not park close to the college car park gates where there are no car park lines marked. Parking there is not only illegal, it poses a safety risk for anyone trying to exit as at is blocks the view of the road.
- To minimise congestion on Bemersyde Drive, all families are encouraged to consider a pick up/drop off point a block or two away from the College.
Respectful Communication
Our college takes pride in our positive environment for students, parents and staff. This extends to the way that we all communicate with one another, both verbally and in writing. Please respect the reciprocal expectation that we all communicate politely and respectfully. There may be times where systems fail or need improvement, disagreements exist, difficult conversations have to take place, and frustrations build. We are here to work with you, and to find a way forward constructively, so before you send an angry and aggressive email, or speak rudely to the front office receptionists or other staff, please pause and take a breath. Under no circumstances will any aggressive, threatening or rude behaviour ever be tolerated at this college. If it occurs, you will be asked to leave. Thank you to the vast majority of families who do always engage respectfully.