Student Spotlight

For our final Prefect instalment, we caught up with Kasota Clayton (Prefect for Academia), Lara Schultz (Prefect for Identity and Mission), Hannah Korn (Prefect for Social Justice), Laura Smith (Prefect for Sport) and Ellie Atkins (Prefect for Junior School) to chat all things SMC in 2023.
What has been the highlight of your year as Prefects?
Kasota: The relationships I have formed with my fellow Prefects, school staff and students as we have organised events together within the school community.
Lara: A highlight of mine this year was being able to attend the Cathedral. reopening mass and meeting new people through our Inservio team.
Hannah: Working with the whole Prefect team to continue to create a positive, welcoming environment for all students at St Mary’s, whilst also focusing on social justice in raising awareness and taking action against issues that impact our school and wider communities.
Laura: As Sports Prefect, the biggest highlight of my year would be leading the Cross Country team to win the girl's Aggregate Shield for the first time ever. It was so good to see everyone supporting one another.
Ellie: The bonds I’ve made with the younger years. Before Year 12, I didn’t have many interactions with the students in the years below me, but now, after spending more time with them I have a new perspective on the joy of life.
What is one lesson you’ve learned in 2023 that you are grateful for?
Kasota: This year has taught me to push myself outside my comfort zone and not to be afraid to embarrass myself. This has allowed me to gain self-confidence and take advantage of experiences I would have otherwise passed over.
Lara: This year I have learnt that it’s important to break out and try new things even when you are highly uncomfortable as that’s how you develop new skills and have fun!
Hannah: I have learned to not be too hard on myself and be proud of my achievements.
Laura: Don’t be afraid to try something new.
Ellie: Persistence is key. When I’m struggling to understand a concept, rather than give up, I try and persevere to do the best I that I can.
How would you describe your time at St Mary’s College in three words?
Kasota: Memorable, challenging, fun.
Lara: Exciting, full-on, grateful.
Hannah: Inviting, eye-opening, motivating.
Laura: Fun, chaotic, stressful.
Ellie: Chaotic, stressful, entertaining.
What legacy do you hope to leave behind after graduating?
Kasota: I hope to inspire other people to achieve their goals and pursue their passions at school and show that growth and adaptation are part of the journey.
Lara: I hope the College community and my Inservio team remembers me as someone who they could approach and get guidance from, while sharing our religion and having some fun along the way!
Hannah: I hope that I can leave behind a message of positivity, that even just through small acts of kindness you can make a positive difference to others.
Laura: I hope St Mary’s continues to support girls in sport.
Ellie: That St Mary’s is filled with numerous support systems, and it is important that people are aware that they can access these whenever they need.