Latest news

Farewell breakfast
The Year 12 graduating class started their day bright and early this morning to share breakfast in the Year 11/12 Common Room.
The breakfast was a special opportunity for the cohort to enjoy a final meal together at school before they start preparing for their upcoming exams. Thank you to the Murphy's Café staff for arranging such a delicious spread!
We look forward to the Year 12 farewell celebrations, which continue next week with the Year 12 Graduation Mass and Supper on Tuesday 31 October and the Leavers' Assembly and Belling Out ceremony on Wednesday 1 November – the final day of school for Year 11 and 12 students. Exciting times ahead!
The Hobart Children's Mayor Program
Giving young people a say in the future of our city was the focus of the Hobart Children's Mayor Program, and our Year 6 students have proven they have what it takes to inspire change.
Through their participation in the program, the students submitted a manifesto outlining how they would make Hobart a better city for children, starting with the line:
“If I was Children’s Mayor of Hobart I would…”
Students from primary schools across Hobart participated in the program, with the Lord Mayor of Hobart and her selection panel selecting the top two manifestos for the position of Hobart Children’s Mayor and Deputy Mayor.
Olivia Atchison and Bella Child were shortlisted for the roles and recently attended a morning tea at The Town Hall to present their proposals to the Lord Mayor. Olivia’s proposal outlined a plan for opening a mindfulness garden in the Cenotaph, while Bella presented the idea of having a device-free fun day in Hobart.
We congratulate Bella Child for being selected as the 2023 Children’s Deputy Mayor Hobart. Bella will have the opportunity to undertake some official duties alongside the Lord Mayor and/or her delegate as she participates in the next stage of the program.
We are very proud of all Year 6 students for working hard on their submissions and participating in this exciting learning experience.
Crazy Sock Day!
What fun we had while raising important funds for valuable communities in Ethiopia via Catholic Mission. Thank you to those that participated and donated to this worthy cause.
Sporting crazy socks in a wide array of colours, patterns and quirky designs (including tassels, ribbons, tinsel and even hair accessories!), students also had the opportunity to purchase ice cream and sausages at lunchtime.
A 'fairy' special day in Kinder
Our Kinder space was transformed into an enchanting, sparkling fairy forest today, where wands and wishes were made, and flowers and wings brought hope, light and lots of fun to our learning.
Thank you to our special Kinder team fairies who bring a little magic to Kinder every day.
Term 3 recap
Sky's the limit for Pillars
At the end of Term 3, a group of Year 10 students visited the Cambridge Aerodrome (Tasmania's general aviation hub) and Rotor-Lift Aviation at Cambridge for their Pillars aeronautical experience.
The fully immersive activity culminated in the students creating and flying their own fixed wing electric radio-controlled aeroplane (which they could take home) at the Cornelian Bay Oval.
The students also experienced the power of a 1.5-metre-long RC spitfire, observed the science of flight and practised RC flying on two flight simulators, with a few bumps along the way!
A big thank you to the friendly and knowledgeable aerodrome and aviation staff for accommodating our visit.
Year 12 Alumni Luncheon
On Wednesday 27 September, the St Mary’s College Alumni Committee hosted a splendid luncheon for the Year 12 class of 2023.
The event was a special opportunity for the Committee to meet with the next generation of SMC alumni and pass on their knowledge, wisdom and advice, all the while sharing a lovely meal together.
Attendees enjoyed freshly made soup, sandwiches and sweet treats lovingly provided by Committee members.
It was an honour to welcome our treasured alumni back to the College as we prepare to farewell our Year 12 graduands, and we thank the Commitee for making their first official alumni experience so special and memorable.
Year 6 Camp
Year 6 students and their teachers headed off to Spring Bay Mill, Triabunna on 27-29 September for the annual Year 6 Camp – and what a camp it was!
The students had the best time bushwalking, exploring nature, star gazing, glamping under the stars and creating lasting memories of their time together.
Eyes on VET...Snapshots around the workplace
Hannah Baker (Year 10) has been completing her work placement at Houdini Hair as part of her Certificate I in Workplace Skills.
Dulux dog on duty
Millie, our therapy-dog-in-training wears many hats! In addition to her important job at St Mary's College, our four-legged friend often does some promotional work for Dulux.
Millie's beautiful locks and gentle temperament make her an ideal candidate for commercial projects. Judging by the images below, we think the pooch is a star in the making!