Student achievements

Congratulations to the following students:
Vara Marunda (Year 12), who was shortlisted for the 2023 Hachette Australia Prize for Young Writers, which showcases excellence in creative writing amongst secondary school-aged students across Australia. Vara's non-fiction piece titled Relaxed Is The New Uncomfortable will be available to read on the competition website this term. The calibre of submissions this year was very high, and although Vara missed out on winning the major prize, the College community is immensely proud of her outstanding achievement.
Ella Edwards (Year 11) and Georgia Thurling (Year 9), who both placed in the Young Tasmanian Writers' Prize. This is the first time St Mary's has had double success in this competition, which is a testament to our students' excellent writing skills! Congratulations to these writers of the future!
Matilda Wise and Zoe Brooks (Year 9), who recently competed in the Kirby Cup, hosted by Buckingham Rowing Club on Saturday 7 October. As the pipe opener to the 2023-2024 Tasmanian rowing season, the Kirby Cup is a gruelling 8km race starting and ending at New Town Bay. Matilda and Zoe competed against all age groups, with their quad successfully securing first place (narrowly missing out on fastest time for a quad). Well done to you both!
Imogen Ransley (Year 7), who is representing Tasmania at the Bruce Cup for tennis, which is being held in Brisbane from 23-27 October. Good luck, Imogen!
Charlotte Pritchard (Year 7), who recently represented Tasmania in Newcastle at the 2023 Hockey Australia U13 Carnival. Charlotte was captain of the team and awarded most valuable Tasmanian player for the tournament. The College is very proud of Charlotte and wishes her well for her future in the sport.
Amber Morrisby (Year 6), who recently participated in the National Schools Futsal Competition with the Tasmanian 12 Girls team. It was a big week of competition and while the Tasmanian team didn't finish on the podium, they played very well and held their own against some very strong sides. The icing on the cake for Amber was being selected in the Australian All Stars team on presentation night for her outstanding efforts in the competition. Amber has since been invited on a trip to Spain in 2024 with the Australian team. Congratulations, Amber!
If you have a student achievement to share, please notify the College by emailing