Important upcoming dates

Thursday 26 October
Public Holiday: Hobart Show Day. College is closed.
Friday 27 October
Normal school day for Kinder to Year 12.
Day for Daniel, Junior School. Students are invited to wear their PE uniform to school and bring along something red to raise awareness of child safety issues.
Year 11/12 UTAS Music end of year exam.
World Teachers' Day.
Tuesday 31 October
Year 12 Graduation Mass, Cathedral (7.00pm), followed by refreshments in the Mary Morgan Wing.
Wednesday 1 November
Leavers' Assembly, followed by Belling Out ceremony.
Last day for Year 11 and 12.
Friday 3 November
Meet the Principal tour, starting from Student Resource Centre (9.00am for a 9.15am start–10.30am).
Saturday 4 November
Alumni Annual General Meeting and Mass, Adrian Doyle Chapel and Staffroom (12.00pm).
Tuesday 7 November – Friday 17 November
Year 11/12 TASC Examinations.
Tuesday 7 November
Excursion: Year 2 to State Library of Tasmania, Hobart.
Click to view the 2023 calendar on the College website here.