MLC Update


This term in Maths learning, the students have revisited fractions and decimals and begun a unit on Data. The students have conducted many surveys, asking teachers and students many questions and collating their data to represent it in varying graphs. 


In maths this term we have been learning about fractions and decimals and data. In learning about data we collected information and then put it into a graph. We learnt about bar graphs, column graphs, picture graphs, tallies and pie charts. My favourite graph is the picture graph. I also love bar graphs because it’s easy to read. - Alyssa


This term I’ve really enjoyed maths. In my class we have been collecting data, such as “How many vehicles are driving on the road?”, and other graphs of things. - Liam K



My favourite Maths game for fractions and decimals was the robot fraction and decimal bingo. You had to roll the dice, move to the location and attempt to match it on your board. The first to get Bingo wins! - Arthur 



My favourite part of our fraction and decimal unit was when we played some games. We played one with penguins and we had to match the fraction to the decimal. 

- Zara




This term the students are learning about chemical science. They have conducted a few experiments, watching what happens with different materials when heat and cold temperatures are applied. They also have mixed solids and liquids to see what happens. 


In Inquiry this term we have been mixing our learning with writing and completing procedures. We have done a few experiments. One of the messiest ones we did was making a mini volcano. We added bicarb soda, food colouring and vinegar together in cups. It was really cool seeing all the reactions. Most of the volcanoes erupted a small amount, only a couple were big. 


My favourite experiment was when we made cabbage water and added some of it to different liquids. Some of them turned pink, some purple and some blue. - Julia



My favourite part of writing this term was completing the chemical reaction potions procedures. I liked writing up the procedure after we had conducted the experiments. - Emma





In Writing this term, the students have learnt about procedures and are just beginning explanation texts. The students have followed procedures to complete experiments and make fun craft pieces.



In writing we have been learning all about procedures. A procedure is a piece of writing that helps you make things. My favourite procedure was the potions experiment. We did 7 potions. I liked the love potion, which was boiled cabbage water and lemon juice. - Lana


My favourite thing we have done this term is writing procedures. I loved doing the procedure ‘How to Make a Mini Volcano”. - Zoe S