Education in Faith

Sunday 5th November

 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time 

Gospel: Matthew 23: 1-12  

‘Those who humble themselves shall be exalted’ 


Throughout Matthew’s gospel Jesus is portrayed as the new law-giver, the new Moses. 

The Christian model of leadership often flies in the face of societal concepts of leadership. Many of the models of leadership we witness in society focus on exerting power over others. People are praised for showing ‘strong’ leadership when they manipulate situations, bully less powerful people and bulldoze their way through others’ opinions. Whilst this model of leadership may have a certain effectiveness in the short term, there is certainly nothing ‘Christian’ about its operation and ultimately it forces a wedge between the leader and the led. Christian leadership focuses on empowering all parties and rather than power over others, it embraces power through and with others. [Greg Sunter]




God of grace and wisdom,

You continually raise up good people

Who show with their lives

That they follow a holy and loving God.

Let our lives be true 

To all that our faith teaches,

So that we will grow more and more

In your son’s likeness.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord.



Jenni Kilkenny

Education In Faith Leader