Learning in M28
Middle School Godfrey is sharing the learning taking place in their class…
Learning in M28
Middle School Godfrey is sharing the learning taking place in their class…
In Reading, this term we are exploring a different author each week. In our author study sessions, we explore the strategies the author has used to engage their audience including humour, descriptive language, figurative language, sizzling starts, dialogues, suspense and many more. Students have made connections between texts, themselves and the world and identified lessons the author is trying to teach. Students have had many rich discussions about our focus authors so far including Julia Donaldson, Aaron Blabey and Tomie DePaola.
In Writing this term we are developing our skills at writing an imaginary recount. Students have used their laptops to explore the Movie World website and experience the rides and shows through videos, facts and descriptions. Online menus have helped visualize what delicious meals they would have for lunch too. Students have planned out their ideas and are busy drafting their orientation, events and conclusions. Students will publish their recounts in a brochure format in Word.
Science lessons are a new weekly favourite in M28. Our first area of study was Heat. We have learnt that heat is a form of energy that transfers from hot things to cold things - such as boiling water being poured into a cold mug. We explored how the molecules move faster in hotter water as they have more energy - this was shown when we added food dye to a glass of hot and cold water. The food dye in the hot water spread quicker than that in the cold water. We have also explored conductors and insulators of heat through the spoon experiment. The plastic and wooden spoons were insulators of the hot water whereas the metal spoon was a conductor.
In M28 we are looking forward to stepping up, challenging ourselves and blooming together for the remainder of Term 4!
Year 4 Teacher
Mrs Sarah Godfrey