From the Chaplain

This week we had a chapel service for the Secondary School students.  We had a guest speaker, Edward Surrey from the CRU organisation which stands for The Crusader Union of Australia.  CRU’s aim is to ‘Share Jesus with the next generation.’ Ed’s theme for the chapel service was, ‘Where can certainty be found?’ The Bible passage that Ed read was from Luke 1:1-4, which ends with, ‘I decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.’  There are many things that we are not certain about in life, but we can be certain in the things that Jesus has told us, like John 3:16, ‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life.‘  


Ed explained that it is often thought that science and Christianity oppose each other. He was a Scientist and a Christian and tried to explain how they both work together to create answers.  Science can tell you the makeup of something, what it contains and perhaps how it was made but the Bible can tell you why things were made.  Science cannot give us the answer to; ‘Why were things made, or why are we here, for what purpose?’  Only the Bible can give us answers to these questions.  We can use Science and the Bible together to help us answer life questions. 


However, we need to look to the Bible for our identity, not in the things around us. Earthly things will always disappoint us, but the strength and power of Jesus will always remain, so it is best to put our faith and trust in him.  Science changes its ‘facts’ as new technology appears, but Jesus remains constant, ‘He is exactly the same in the past, in the present, and in the future,’ (Hebrews 13.8).  Jesus is our only certainty and constant in life. 


Mrs Naomi Cooper | Chaplain