From the Deputy Principal

Wellbeing Framework

Over the past few months we have been working across the school to develop a Wellbeing Framework research for which has provided valuable insights into what factors are supportive of student, staff and community wellbeing, and those factors which are shown to be unhelpful. 


Last month we focused on developing the part of the framework that explores partnerships.  As always, our investigations are undertaken in light of current research. The Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) has outlined for schools the ‘promising’ research – that is, what works; and, just as importantly, what doesn’t work. Euphemistically, AERO calls these ‘not promising’ approaches!  The research findings may seem very obvious, but it has given us pause for thought about how we make these things happen and how to engage in more meaningful ways with our families.  Some of what works is:

  • Recognising and supporting learning that takes place in the home has been shown to improve students’ academic achievement, academic behaviour, and social-behavioural competency. 
  • Families who feel they are working in partnership with their child’s school can be more likely to engage in practices to support learning at home. 
  • Two-way communication (that is, communication that flows both ways from school staff to families, and from families to school staff) has been shown to improve students’ social-behavioural competency.
  • Collaborative planning and problem-solving between families, students and school staff has been shown to improve students’ academic outcomes and social-behavioural competency

You can read more about the information from AERO here


We welcome and value your feedback about teaching and learning and your child’s behavioural needs.  Our pastoral team is here to help.  Please keep in touch with your child’s classroom teacher in the Primary School, or Head of House in the Secondary School if you have any feedback about how we can support your child and your family.


As we continue to develop our Wellbeing Framework over the coming months, keep an eye out for further updates.


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal