Principal's Message

Richard Jacques

Dear OLA Families,

We are proud that OLA is well known for its strong sense of community and the connection with families and student learning. One beautiful moment this week that captures the support of our parents and their engagement was at the 1/2MV Class Prayer Service. We were blessed to have uncles, friends, grandparents and parents join us for this precious celebration. It is times like this that we can celebrate how far our students have come and how they have grown into great humans and how much their confidence has grown. Thank you to Mrs Taig and the aweseome 1/2 Team for preparing such a special prayer service.

Principal Panel at MACS

I was honoured to join school principals Martine Verhagen and John Visentin along with our Southern Regional Manager Deb Egan last Friday for a panel discussion on how Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools (MACS) staff work with Principals to support Catholic schools, teachers and students across the Archdioces of Melbourne. It was a great opportunity to stop and reflect on all that we have achieved together here at OLA over the last four years and to celebrate our strong partnership with MACS. 


Some of the questions included:

  • What does a typical day of a Principal look like?                                                ​
  • Could you sum up for us -  what it is to be the leader of a Catholic school? ​
  • Can you speak to us about your school improvement plan and how your key priorities connected to the 2030 MACS strategy? ​​​​​​
  • What does a flourishing learner look like in your school? ​​​ 
  • What does success look like for your school and the MACS office working together
  • What do you need MACS to know and how can we help? ​​​
  • Working with students can sometimes be challenging, but there are many moments of joy  - can you share with us such a moment that has brought joy in being a Principal? 

Gratitude and Best Wishes 

This week I would like to share news about staffing changes for 2024. Christine Thredgold, Helene Lionakis and Cassandra Elliott will be finishing up at OLA at the end of this year.  We look forward to saying thank you and farewell to these staff members at the End of Year Prayer Service and Assembly at 9.00am on Friday 15 December. I know you will join me in celebrating these staff members and showing gratitude for their amazing contributions to our community.


Christine Thredgold

Thank you Christine for the excellent learning and teaching that you have provided to students since you joined our community. 15 years is an amazing contribution.  Your passion, dedication and love of learning have been a gift to us all.  Thank you for the care you have shown each and every child and their family.  Your always professional 'can do' attitude and knowledge of intervention will be missed. We wish you all the very best as you take the next step on your education and leadership journey as Learning Diversity and Student Wellbeing Leader at St Brigid’s in Mordialloc. 


A reflection from Christine Thredgold…

Over the past 15 years, I have been lucky enough to teach every grade at OLA. I have loved being a part of this inclusive and friendly community. I am grateful for the opportunities that both Richard Jacques and Leonie Young have offered me, guiding and encouraging me to develop as a teacher and a leader. Over the past 5 years, it has been a privilege to teach a variety of Intervention programs to many different students. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with students and families to aid growth and help build a sense of self belief.  This passion has led to my decision to accept an offer to be the Learning Diversity and Student Wellbeing Leader at St Brigid’s in Mordialloc, I look forward to the next step in my career. I will fondly look back at my time at OLA and miss all the staff, students and families that make up this wonderful school.  Christine Thredgold


Helene Lionakis

Thank you Sensei for the rich Language classes that you have provided to students since you joined our community 13 years ago. Your dedication, love of languages and culture have been appreciated by us all.  We love that you can speak over 6 languages fluently and we appreciate all you have taught our students about different cultures especially Japanese. The Japanese Festival and the Taiko drums have helped create special memories for life. We wish you both all the very best in semi retirement as you get to hop on the road, travel and dine all over this great country of ours.



A reflection from Helene Lionakis…

Way back in early 2011, I was caring for my two little children on family leave from teaching high school French, Japanese, English and Dance & Drama. I saw an email asking for a teacher to teach Japanese at a primary school. I needed a bit of pocket money. So, I thought, ‘Hmmm, I’ll give this a go’. I enjoyed the interview so much that I decided I reeeally wanted a job at this school. And I got it! Yay!           The primary school was OLA and I started teaching Japanese on April 26. I loved teaching at OLA so much, I asked the principal at the time if I could teach a little bit longer at OLA and she said, ‘Yes’. Double yay!! So, I have been here for twelve years and a bit. But now, it is time to go and do other exciting things like cooking yummy food, living in Europe and travelling around Asia, taking up amateur musical theatre again and many, more things... I will be sad to leave my friends. But, I promise to come and visit. じゃ、またね, 先生より。 Helene Lionakis


Cassandra Elliott

Thank you Cassandra for being part of our OLA community this year and for sharing your passion for teaching in the early years with us. We love how you have helped to make learning fun by providing hands on experiences, setting good routines and structures, helping children make connections as well as engaging children in the learning process. The Junior Team have especially loved you sharing your knowledge, experience and creative ideas with them.  We wish you, Paul, Levi and Mae all the very best as you return to sunny Queensland. 


A reflection from Cassandra Elliott…

With a heavy heart after only a quick one year stay here at OLA, we have decided to head back to Queensland to be around our dear family and friends once again. I have been very appreciative of the staff, children and grounds that make up this wonderful school environment. The Library remains my special place here and I have looked forward to Chess and Library Club, borrowing times, finding new books and reading some of my favourites to the class on the gorgeous pink chair. The 1/2 CE families have been extremely supportive and I have thoroughly enjoyed the many conversations along the way. The connections that the children in 1/2 CE have made to literature will be something that will remain with me, as will the open class chats that we have shared. We absolutely love Melbourne and will definitely miss our great coffee shop, markets and parks. Cassandra Elliott  

1 more sleep until Trivia Night!!

We are hosting nearly 200 guests at this year's OLA Spring Carnival Trivia Night in Brigid Hall tomorrow night, Saturday 28 October. Please make a bid on the online auction items and purchase some final raffle tickets. Thank you to all involved in making this night happen and helping to create such a buzz in our community.


Please remember the Local Matters Jar at Grill'd Heatherton is quickly filling in the favour of OLA winning the most tokens. If we win we receive $300 for our new bubblers/water taps.

Mission H2O School Production

Preparations for our whole school production 'Mission H20' continue to be exciting. Acting, singing and dance rehearsals continue to be a highlight of the week! The show will be performed on the evening of Thursday 30 November at Kingston City Hall. 


We are grateful to the volunteers who have already offered to help with costumes and lighting and the like. Please don't hesitate to email our Performing Arts teacher Trish O'Gorman if you have any questions or if you would like to help out -


Costumes are our next priority and we ask parents to take the next two weekends to source items outlined in the costume Operoo that went out on Friday 27 October. Today our Arts Leaders have invited the students of OLA to turn on their creative skills and create a poster/front cover for our Program. 



You are invited to enter our exciting competition - ‘Mission H20 Program Front Cover’. The prize is to have your own design be on the cover of our program and perhaps on a billboard outside the school!


The program cover requires the following details:

  • It must be hand drawn (no clipart, images from internet)
  • A4 Portrait size (remember to use the whole page)
  • It needs to capture the theme of the whole show (not just your year level performance). The main themes are Space and Water. Other possibilities include, astronauts (Major Tom, Angel, Aqua, Doc), the sun, aliens, Mission Control, Europa (a moon of Jupiter)
  • Include the title ‘Mission H2O’

All entries due Friday 3 November.

Colour Run 

Thank you to all children and families who have registered for our 2023 OLA Colour Run which will take place at Cheltenham Park on Friday 10 November, 12.30-2.30pm. The donations are very much appreciated. We are sitting at $13,200 raised to date with 15 days of fundraising left... We look forward to this fun day.

Guided Learning Walk for Parents

On Monday 13 November 8.40-10.00am we will be hosting our next Learning Walk for parents at OLA. We will visit three classes from across the school with each of the classes focussing on Reading.  Our Principal, Literacy Leader, Deputy Principal and Learning & Teaching Leader will be leading the learning walk. For this walk we would like to secure approximately ten parents to join us.  We can't wait to share in all things learning and Reading with you and welcome you to book in for this walk through

Student Leadership Opportunities

The beginning of Term 4 is an exciting time for our Grade 5 students as they begin to think about and prepare for the 2024 Grade 6 Leadership positions. The senior teachers have begun talking with their students about the many wonderful opportunities that await them. Please see the timeline below and keep an eye on Operoo for further information. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any queries. 



Friday 3 November


Teachers give out role descriptions and information regarding the leadership letters
Monday 20 NovemberLeadership letters due
Friday 24 November

9-10.15am School Captain speeches with Grades 4 & 5

All staff and Grade 5 students are invited to vote

Friday 1 DecemberIndividual leadership roles emailed to parents
Friday 15 December

2024 leaders announced at End of Year Assembly

(badges blessed and presented at the start of next year)

Wakakirri 2023 Results

On the 18th of October we found out the results of the National Awards for Wakakirri. Our national  award was named as 'Highly Commended' by all the judges and received a special mention. To celebrate, everyone in Wakakirri had hot chips (from Hot bird, our trivia night sponsors) and soft drinks.


Although we didn't win, everyone involved in Wakakirri is very proud. This was the first time OLA has ever  received a State Award and a National Award nomination. We are all very proud of everyone involved in Wakakirri and all the teachers and parents for coming on this big adventure!

Amelia B, Maggie F, Molly Mc

Arts & Culture Leaders



Thank you for the nominations that I have received for 

the two vacancies on OSAC. The applications close  on Monday 30 October. We look forward to securing two new members for our team whose skills compliment those of the members already on the School Advisory Council.



Claire Melican (Beau's Mum) and Mel Power (Kitty's mum) have generously offered to Co-Chair the OLA Parish Fete for 2024. They return to the role with the belief and hope that we will be able to find our next Chair willing and able to take on the role for 2026. We look forward to getting many helpers on board to make this special event happen. Thank you Claire and Mel for leading this fun filled and much loved community event. A top 3 favourite moment in the lives of children at OLA.


OLA P&F Team

We continue to look for volunteers to be P&F Chair and Deputy Chair, Scholastic Book Club organiser, Second Hand Uniform coordinator as well as each year level requiring two parent representatives, who are responsible for updating the parents in their year level with important information/reminders, and organising a couple of events throughout the year. We have enjoyed a great year together in 2023 and hope to continue building on this as we do each year.

Class Placements 2024

Thank you to all parents who have already met with me or who have made an appointment to meet with me in relation to Class Placements. This opportunity for parent voice closes on 31 October. As a staff we will continue this process with consideration given to social cohesion, friendship groupings, placement of siblings/relatives and positive academic influences. Other factors that we will consider, include keeping a ‘balance’ of children with social, emotional, physical, behavioural and academic needs, and an even spread of year level numbers and genders in multi-age classes.


Please open the ‘Key Dates and Events’ tab in this newsletter for important dates or access the OLA Calendar here.


Please note the following change of dates:


Key dates for the next 2 weeks...

Week 5 
Tuesday 31 Oct2024 Class Placement Parent Input Closes
 Kinect 2 Dance sessions
Wednesday 1 NovPickleball during PE Lessons
 9-10am - 1/2KM Prayer Class Service
Thursday 2 NovPickleball during PE Lessons
 8.45am-1.15pm- Grade 1/2 TwistED Science Incursion
Friday 3 NovPickleball during PE Lessons
 2.30-3.30pm - Whole School Assembly
Week 6 
Monday 6 NovAssessment & Reporting Student Free Day
Tuesday 7 NovMelbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 8 NovPickleball during PE Lessons
Thursday 9 Nov9-11am - Prep Taskworks Science Incursion
 7-8.30pm - Prep 2024 Information Evening
Friday 10 NovNewsletter Day
 10.45am - Remembrance Day Prayer Service

Other key dates this term...

This term there is much to look forward to with some of the highlights including:

Trivia Night at OLA - Saturday 28 October @ 6.30-11.00pm

OLA Colour Explosion - Friday 10 November @ 12.30-2.30pm

Family Learning Walk - Reading focus - Monday 13 November @ 8.30-10.00am

Grade 4 Camp Experience - Monday 20 November

OLA School Production - Mission H20 - Thursday 30 November at Kingston Arts Centre

Grade 1-6 Orientation for 2024 - meet new teacher - Thursday 7 December

Prep Nativity at OLA - Monday 11 December @ 9am

Grade 6 Graduation - Thursday 14 December 

End of Year Assembly for Prep - Grade 6 - Friday 15 December @ 9am

Prep 2024 Parent Information Evening

We are excitedly preparing to welcome our 2024 Prep families and students for their Orientation program. This program continues to be a highlight of the year, as these children take their first big steps into school life. While some students already have a sibling at OLA, we cannot underestimate how this can still be quite an overwhelming experience as the children transition away from a very small Kinder/Early Learning Centre setting into a significantly larger one. For our new (and not so new) Prep parents, we look forward to welcoming you on Thursday 9 November at 7.00pm. This information evening is a wonderful opportunity to meet new families (often friends for life!), teachers and key staff who will work with your children.  


Our Prep 2024 Orientation Sessions are as follows:

  • Tuesday 14 November 9:00am-10:00am
  • Tuesday 21 November 9:00am-10:00am
  • Tuesday 28 November - Playdate at a local park organised by the P&F Prep reps
  • Tuesday 5 December 9:00am-11:00am

Working Bee

We are looking forward to welcoming families to the Term 4 OLA Working Bee , Saturday 25 November from 10.00am-12.00pm.  


We especially welcome the following families who are rostered on:


If you are not able to make it you are welcome to make a donation to the school. 

Please bring along your tools such as wheelbarrows, blowers/blower vacs, whipper snippers, rakes, shovels, brooms, hedge trimmers, secateurs and other gardening tools.  

Lost Property

The lost property tub is absolutely overflowing and we remain amazed at the number of jackets that somehow keep finding their way back in - without names or we are not able to decifer names. In the coming week, if not claimed, they will be redistributed through the second hand uniform shop. Please, stop past the office foyer this week and have a look through for any treasured items that may have gone missing.


Regional Athletics

Congratulations to Ivan and Matthew who competed at Southern Metro Regional Athletics last week. 

Ivan competed in 9/10yo Discus, finishing 15th.

Matthew competed in the 12/13yo multiclass events, finishing 3rd in 200m (with a PB),

4th in long jump and 5th in 100m. We wish Matthew all the best as he progresses through to the State competition. 


Prep PMP

Congratulations to our Preps who are working together to develop their core strength, gross and fine motor skills. These skills help to make our Preps strong learners!



Our Arts Leaders were able to give their thoughtfully made card to Mrs Hudson last week to show our school community's appreciation of the massive work that went into the 2023 Art Show, 'Courage to Create'. Thank you Mrs Hudson.


Grade 1/2 Class Prayer Services

Thoughout the last couple of weeks we have been receiving beautiful invites to the Grade 1/2 Prayer Services of which we are super excited to be attending. Thank you Grade 1/2.


Active Brain Breaks

I sometimes have to correct myself when I see the Preps moving around the school like Grade 2s! They love their morning run where they get to run laps of the oval and race their teacher!!


Wedding Congratulations

Congratulations Lou and Justin (mum and dad to Kit and Raf C) on your recent wedding. We've heard it was a wonderful celebration for family and friends. Wishing you both continued joy and happiness from all of the OLA community. 

Exciting News!

We congratulate Caitlan Taig and her husband Rick on the exciting news that they are having a baby! Baby Taig is due in April and we are all so excited for you both.



May our days get warmer and may we all stay healthy and strong.

Thank you for another wonderful week. Enjoy your weekend and see you next week. 


Richard Jacques
