Year 10 YWAM Missions Trip

A Student's Reflection 

This year’s 2023 missions trip organised by YWAM was honestly one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and truly something I will remember forever. The people at both Townsville and Palm Island were so welcoming and kind. We’d only known them for a few days, but by the end of the trip, everyone was in tears and struggling to leave. 


It was so much fun creating those new relationships, but also growing with the other Year 10s and learning more about the teacher as well. I felt we grew closer together as a year level, but also with God. I was constantly learning so much about God, so much about other people and so much about myself; all while having so much fun. 


There were a few bumps during the trip but throughout the bumps, we felt so much support from our peers, teachers, and YWAM staff. It was during those moments that I felt the unity the most, as we would pray together, be scared together, and be excited together. 

Overall, the trip was just amazing, something I would do over and over and over again. The friendships I’ve created, the friendships I’ve grown, and the memories I’ve made are something I would never trade. 


Hannah Pendala