Early Years Experiences

As part of our Integrated Studies unit, students have been learning about all things old and new. We have focused on how things from the past differ to things from the present. During their Craft Power incursion, students had the opportunity to discuss toys and tools from the past and present and even made their own wooden cars!
Friendship Bracelets
Last term, the Grade 2 students were very busy with excursions, dress-up days and rehearsals for the musical production.
When we become stressed and tired it is sometimes difficult to remember how to be a good friend to others. During the last week of school, students engaged in discussions surrounding friendship. What does it mean to be a good friend? How can we be good friends to those around us? What does the Bible say about friendship? To end the unit, they made friendship bracelets. First, they brainstormed the qualities of a good friend. Next, they assigned a quality to each colour bead as a promise to their friends to always strive to exhibit the qualities they identified as being important.
Grade 1 and 2 Excursion to Chesterfield Farm
As part of the Integrated Studies unit, ‘Sound and Light’, the Grade 1 and 2 students went on an excursion to Chesterfield Farm. They enjoyed walking around the farm whilst identifying the sounds of various animals and farm equipment.
Students had the opportunity to feed some of the animals including deer, sheep, ponies and goats. They took turns to milk a cow and thoroughly enjoyed watching the Sheep Dog Show, where they learned how farmers use voice commands to instruct their dogs in helping them round up the sheep.
A big highlight was the Nursery, where students were able to touch baby animals. A tractor ride around the farm provided students with the chance to learn more about the day-to-day routines of farming and the importance the farming industry has in our daily lives. A visit to the community garden enabled students to feed the chickens and have a look at some spring produce. The Grade 1s and 2s had a wonderful day in the sunshine!
Megan Rose, Kim Nel and Simeone Chua
Early Years Teachers