A message from Margie

We continue to build on our term's theme by bringing curiosity to our learning in all areas. This week students attempted to answer one another's questions displayed in the gym. I loved reading these thoughtful answers below. Can you think of anything to add? Please bring your replies to the gym and join our growing curious wall! 😊
It was so exciting to meet our new students at our first Reception transition session this Wednesday. We have 33 new students starting in Reception this year, which is the biggest intake in many years. In addition, we will have another group of new Reception students joining us in Term 3 in our first mid-year intake! I really enjoyed meeting the families of the new students as well at a parent information session. It's hard to believe we are almost at the start of another school year!
Uraidla Show 'Thank you'
Thank you to the parents who kindly volunteered their time on the candle-dipping stall at
the Uraidla Show. It's a favourite stall for our students to visit, and also raises money for school projects. Thank you to the Parents and Friends for organising this on behalf of all of us at Uraidla Primary School.
Uraidla Show Stall heroes:
Caroline Croser
Vanessa Marsland
Jess De Campo
Kate Walsh
Michelle Newman
Laura Vince
Alex Pillar-Rogers
Sarah Kirkman
Lauren Parker
Cristina Blefari
Sam Bateman
Anna Price
Kate Griffiths
Liv Moore
End of the year
We are almost at the end of the school year, and we busily getting ready for our end-of-year events:
On Monday, December 4 at 7pm we will be holding our Governing Council Annual General Meeting, where we elect members and office holders for 2024. The Governing Council is a terrific group that advises the school on matters of governance such as finances and policy. We meet twice a school term at 7pm. If you are interested in joining our Governing Council please email me at margie.sarre187@schools.sa.edu.au to let me know before the night so we can be ready to welcome you!
End-of-year performance
- Takes place on Tuesday, December 12 at 6pm.
- Students need to be at school in their costumes at 5:45.
- School students will be seated on mats on the floor in front of the audience; toddlers and high school students please sit with parents.
- The Parents and Friends are putting on a sausage sizzle, no need to pre-order, just pay on the night (more info to follow).
- Bring a picnic rug, drinks and other food your family might enjoy, and plan to celebrate the great year we've had with the whole school community following the performance! I'll organise the weather 😬.
- The evening performance will be very full. We will be putting on a dress rehearsal at 11am on Tuesday morning (Dec 12) and we welcome any parents, grandparents and other family members to attend this if you would like to be guaranteed a seat.
Volunteers morning tea
We will be holding a morning tea for all adults who volunteer at school, on Wednesday, December 13 at 9:00 am in the school gym. If you have helped out with camps and excursions, being on a school committee such as P and F or Governing Council, have volunteered on a school stall, helped out in the classroom or volunteered in any other way, we would love to have the opportunity to thank you. We couldn't do what we do without our generous volunteers!
We will be celebrating our graduating students on Thursday, December 14 at 6:30 pm. We will also be bidding them farewell with a guard of honour on the final day of school Friday, December 15 at the End of Year assembly at 1:30.
End-of-Year Assembly
the final assembly of the year will be held on Friday, December 15 at 1:30. We will have an early dismissal at 2:10 pm.
Have a wonderful fortnight, everyone!