Learning Centre News... 

Learning Centre One


We can’t believe how fast the Term is flying by! Lots of learning and fun has been happening down in prep! The weather is heating up! Please make sure that your child has a hat a a water bottle each day. 


During Literacy, the students have been learning about onset and rime and words that have an onset and rime. Students explored how a story is portrayed if we just look at the images and don’t read the story, as our perception changes. They then looked at how they can make a text to self connection from the story ‘Rapunzel' and explored how a range of texts have punctuation’. Students identified a range of inferences of characters' feelings from the text, and how we can use clues to infer the way someone might be feeling. Students continued to work on their good copies of their stories using their iPads to type and construct their writing. They then explored the beginning of how we can write to persuade and the language associated. 


In Maths, the students have been learning about money and that Australian notes and coins are used as a form of currency. They explored the characteristics of notes and coins and the different things that distinguish them from one another and how notes and coins have different values. The students then looked at why we need money and what money is used for. They then looked at what needs and wants are and how money is used to buy things such as groceries and is a necessity for everyday lives. Students throughout the week earned money during class and got to spend it at the class shop. They had to ensure that they had enough money to pay their utilities to the teacher.


Throughout Religion, the students have been learning about how they belong to Jesus’ family, Our family and God’s family. Students explored the concept of helping others in the community and what is considered to be a community to them. The students’ then spoke of ways they can help those in the community by looking at perishable and non-perishable. They then began looking at the season of Advent and looked at what they know, want to learn and what they have learnt already.


The preps had the opportunity to engage in Remembrance Day activities as we remember all those who gave their lives for what we have today. They made and created their own poppies, read stories and participated in a minute silence. It was great seeing them immersed in their learning.




It is important that each day students iPads are brought back each day to school and are charged and ready for the children to use for learning. We will be using them a lot in the next few weeks, so please ensure that they are bought each day


Transitioning to Year One

As we prepare to transition the students to year one we would like your support in helping them to develop their independence by allowing them to leave the learning space at the end of the day to find the person that will be collecting them. It is important that you inform your child in the morning of who and the area in which they will require to go to be picked up at the end of the day. We would also like the students to be bringing their bags in themselves in the morning as another means for us to prepare them to transition to year one. We thank you for your understanding and constant support and if you have any question please see the learning group teacher or Amanda


Playground outside LC1

It is important that at the end of the school day there are no children playing on the playground. The playground isn’t supervised by staff, and we would hate for anyone to injure or hurt themselves. 


Some friendly reminders:

  • Students require their iPads for learning. Please ensure that they’re charged and brought to school each day.
  • Book bags get changed every Monday. Please make sure they’re bought back so they can be changed and returned Tuesday.
  • Summer uniform to commence after the holidays. Please ensure you have a labeled hat as we will be needing them for outside play as they will have to remain in the shade if they don’t have a hat.
  • 15th November - Whole School Mass - 2pm Sports Hall. All Welcome
  • 29th November - Mini Cross Country 12 - 1:30 pm - All Welcome
  • 14th December - Whole School Assembly - 9am Sports Hall
  • 14th December - Last Day of Term 4 

Prep Team - Amanda, Donna, Imogen, Kiah, Mary, Sam & Tina. 


Learning Centre Two


On Monday 30th October, most of the Year 6 students were picked up by the MacKillop buses for a 2-hour visit to the college. They spent some time meeting members of the staff, had a tour of the Year 7 buildings and a few other important places and listened to current Year 7 students sharing their experiences of secondary school. All of our seniors agreed it was a valuable transition experience.


Over the last few weeks, the 5/6 students have travelled into North Melbourne to The Huddle, an immersive AFL-themed excursion. The students were required to think critically and work collaboratively to achieve Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics challenges, such as building a pendulum to kick a ball through the goals.

The focus of this program is to give kids the opportunity to explore concepts such as artificial and emotional intelligence, grit and determination, and growth mindset as well as to identify the personal characteristics that will support them ‘to win’ throughout life. Jodie, our wonderful Digital Technology teacher, has arranged for all of the senior students to attend these excursions. We are very grateful to her for giving us this amazing opportunity!

The 3rd and final group of students will attend The Huddle on Monday 20th November. Please check ICON for the permission information.



On Monday last week, Terri came back into LC2 to guide Alexandra's class group through a writing session. They talked about the different types of shots you will see in a short film or movie and focused on storyboarding while using these. Students used 6 to 8 post-it notes to draw their scenes and annotated these according to whether they'd drawn a close-up, mid-range or long shot.


Some friendly reminders...

  • Monday 13th November - Year 5 Leadership Day (part 2)
  • Wednesday 15th November - Whole School Mass at 2 pm. All welcome!
  • Friday 20th November - Group 3 Huddle Excursion
  • Monday 27th November - Giving Tree and Hamper Drive begins
  • Tuesday 12th December - Christmas dress-up day and Melbourne Renegades cricket incursion
  • Wednesday 13th December - Yr 6 Fun day at Adventure Park
  • Thursday 14th December - 9 am Whole School Assembly
  • Thursday 14th December - Last day for year 6 students and 6:30 pm Graduation Mass
  • Friday 15th December - 9 am Christmas liturgy
  • Friday 15th December - Last day of 2023

Year 5/6 Team: Alexandra, Ann, Anna, Chelsea, Cheryl, Danielle, Gillian, Isaac, Kristina, Lisa, Selena, & Scott.

Learning Centre Three

It’s Week 6 and we are halfway through the term! Where has the time gone!!


This week in Reading, we have looked at books about Remembrance Day, on what happens on that day, what symbols represent it and why we honour that day. Students also made poppies as part of an activity. 


In Writing, we have been looking at persuasive writing and wrote letters of a pet we would really want. We also looked at stories of examples of persuasive writing such as; ‘I wanna Iguana’. 


In Maths, we looked at volume and capacity. Students used scales to measure what objects were lighter and what were heavier after making predictions. This week we started looking at money and exploring the value of the Australian coins.



In Inquiry, students looked at stories and shared their views and opinions about the story. One of the stories was ‘Dog Vs Cat’. 




In Religion, students have been planning their class celebration and were able to celebrate on friday. They looked at what is in a celebration and what a celebration is all about. 




It is important that each day students iPads are brought back each day to school and are charged and ready for the children to use for learning. We will be using them a lot in the next few weeks, so please ensure that they are bought each day


Playground outside LC1

It is important that at the end of the school day there are no children playing on the playground. The playground isn’t supervised by staff, and we would hate for anyone to injure or hurt themselves.


Some friendly reminders

  • 15th November - Whole School Mass - 2pm Sports Hall. All Welcome!
  • 14th December - Whole School Assembly - 9am Sports Hall
  • 15th December - Last Day of school

Year 1/2 Team - Alison, Bianca, Janeen, Jannine, Jess, Jordan, Marilyn, Shalome, Tasmin,  Sue and Sarena.


Learning Centre Four


This week in Literacy, 3/4s have been looking at the importance of Remembrance Day and have read the story ‘Anzac Girl’. Students also learnt about the significance of the poppy and took part in a craft activity making poppies to go out onto the grass, in front of LC4. There was also time today for an observance of Remembrance Day where the school took some time to pay their respects and silently reflect on the men and women who lost their lives while serving Australia and its allies in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.



For our Inquiry unit of Media Arts, the 3/4 cohort went on an excursion to the CBD and interacted with ACMI’s current installations about Digital Media, Media through the ages and the craft of storytelling through multimedia. The students also had a bonus visit to the Ian Potter Centre: National Gallery of Victoria, exploring the many wonderful artworks on display.



In Maths, we have recently completed our Data unit. The 3/4 students made some wonderful data displays to demonstrate what they have learnt. Students are now looking at fractions for the next few weeks, including different ways to represent fractions and equivalent fractions. 



In Religion, we have been exploring the needs of the people in our local and Parish communities. Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to help us with this, students were then able to brainstorm ways in which they can assist and help those in need. Students will be working towards writing a letter to Fr. Albert about more ways we can assist those in need within our community.



Please find attached the camp information session slideshow, if you have not yet had the chance to view it. 


A packing checklist has also been sent via Class Dojo and is available here:


Some friendly reminders...

  • 15th November - Whole School Mass - 2pm Sports Hall
  • 14th December - Whole School Assembly - 9am Sports Hall. All Welcome!
  • 15th December - Last Day of school

Year 3/4 Team: Adam, Ben, Beth, Elizabeth, Emma, Gabby, Hayley, Helen, Isaac, John, Milla and Zach.