Catholic Identity 

Religious Education, Sacramental and Faith Celebration News

Remembrance Day and Peace in our World

Tomorrow is the eleventh day of the eleventh month - Remembrance Day. We pause at 11am to remember the supreme price many men and women have paid for the peace and freedom we enjoy in Australia. We continue to remember them, and to pray for peace in our world. Our prayers for peace are needed now, more than ever, as conflicts continue around the world - in Ukraine, Gaza and Israel, as well as other conflicts in many countries across Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. 


They went with songs to the battle, they were young, 

Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow. 

They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted; 

They fell with their faces to the foe.


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: 

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 

At the going down of the sun and in the morning 

We will remember them.


Lest we forget. 


Ever-living God, 

we remember those whom you have gathered 

from the storm of war into the peace of your presence; 

may that same peace calm our fears, 

bring justice to all peoples 

and establish harmony among the nations, 

through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Christmas Food Drive and Giving Tree

This year we will again have our Christmas Food Drive and Giving Tree gift appeal. The food items and gifts that we collect will be donated to St Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies) to help those in our local Werribee/Wyndham Vale community who are struggling at this time. 


The drive will being at the start of Week 9 and end on the Wednesday of Week 11. We encourage all that can to contribute to this worthy cause. 


Further details will be provided in the coming weeks. 

School Mass 

Our last whole school Mass will be next Wednesday, 15th November at 2pm. We hope to see as many families celebrate and thank God the school year! At this Mass we will also ask for God's blessing on our new statue of Mary, which will eventually take pride of place in our Mary Grotto. 

Community Mass

Community Masses will resume at the start of the 2024 school year and take place every third Sunday of the month. Mass will take place in the OLSC Sports Centre at 10am. We encourage as many of our families and friends to attend these Masses, as we reinvigorate the Wyndham Vale Catholic Community. These Masses, while taking place on school grounds and involving students from our school, are open to all members of our local community. So please spread the word!


2024 Masses will be as follows:

18th February

17th March

21st April

19th May

16th June

21st July

16th August

15th September

20th October


17th November


2024 Sacramental Intentions

A reminder that students from Years 2-5 received a letter regarding the 2024 Sacramental Program. The sacramental program is an integral part of the Catholic identity and faith development of students at OLSC. The sacramental program is an important part of both our school and parish community life. We ask that you indicate your intention for your child/ren to participate. 


To participate in the Sacramental Program children must be baptised Catholic or have been welcomed into the Catholic Church. If the school does not yet have a copy of your child/ren’s baptism certificate, we request that you supply this to the office as soon as possible. Children may receive more than one sacrament in the school year but only if the sacrament is celebrated in a year level lower than their current year:


Year 3 - Reconciliation;                

Year 4 - Reconciliation and Eucharist, 

Year 5 - Reconciliation and Eucharist, and 

Year 6 - Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.


A digital copy of the letter is also available below:

Columban Calendar

Please find below details on how you can purchase a Columban Art Calendar for 2024. They are beautiful calendars and make wonderful gifts also. The money raised through the sale of the calendars goes towards the missionary and charitable work of the Columban Fathers (St Columban Missionary Society). 


John Dini

Catholic Identity Leader