A message from David 

Principal's Report

Foundation 2024

We look forward to meeting with parents this evening to share information about first steps into Foundation for 2024.  Mie Mie and Amy will continue their great work with Foundation students and we look forward to Laura Lockwood joining the team.  Laura is an exceptional educator who values interpersonal relationships and will add value to Box Hill North.  Class organisation for all other classes is in process and will be communicated to families and students in December.


Community Connections

Thank you to our local Bunnings in Box Hill South, for their ongoing support of our students. Today, Lisa from the team, visited to help Foundation students connect their inquiry learning through planting.  Lisa recently supported our school in vouchers to engage local community to build seating under the new shade area.  Students across the school are currently working on design concept to service their needs.  I look forward to seeing their plans become reality.


Extra Curricular Events

Senior students have been active in Bike Education, learning all sorts of road safety and bike maintenance as part of their extended curriculum.  It is nice to see students positively engage in this experience, taking learning beyond the classroom.  


Japan Trip

Today is the final day for students currently in Year 4 and 5 to submit their expression of interest to Sensei.  We will work through selection process with students, starting next week.  


Remembrance Day

It is with utmost respect that we acknowledge and honour the bravery and sacrifice of our heroes on this solemn occasion of Remembrance Day.  As we pause to remember and reflect, let us pay tribute to the men and women who have served and continue to serve our country with unwavering courage.  


Remembrance Day holds a significant place in our hearts and minds, as it marks the end of World War I and serves as a reminder of the tremendous toll war has taken on countless lives. It is a day to honour the memory of those who fought valiantly, those who survived, and those who made the ultimate sacrifice to secure peace and freedom for future generations.


To all members of our community who may be experiencing challenging circumstances with current events overseas, my thoughts and bests wishes to you and your families.  


Lest we forget.

