Readers’ Cup

On Monday, our Readers’ Cup team of Mietta, Pippa, Ava and Cooper travelled to Branxholme Primary School to participate in this year’s event.
In the lead up, they’d been required to read the 6 chosen books and choose one to prepare a creative response to. Our team chose ‘Evie and the Rhino’ by Nerida McMullin and they decided to act out the story and make a short film of it. This was challenging but fun and they did a great job of it.
At Branxholme there were teams from Coleraine, Macarthur, Penshurst, Dunkeld, and Branxholme as well as us, and each team had made a response to one of the books.
The day started with a talk and writers’ workshop with the feature author, Nerida McMullin, who spoke about how she got her ideas for writing, then provided the kids with a story starter for them to continue. Ava proudly shared her writing with the whole group, along with a few others.
Next, all groups showed their creative response to the whole group. We were very proud to see ours up on the screen and it received both some laughs and also good applause. Finally there was a quiz on all of the books , then points were totalled up from both sections.
Penshurst were the winners this year but I was very, very proud of our team who did a great job all round and represented our school so well. Mrs Smith let us know that they scored really well for their creative response and were second by only 1 1/2 pts!