Year 2 & 3 Art

Year 2 and 3 students have been producing some very creative pieces this week, in and out of class!


In Year 2, we are learning about shape and form and our focus was spheres. The students were very successful when they made their flat paper look 3D with shading techniques to create planets in space. They traced around a template and then used soft pastels to blend the colours from dark to light.


In Year 3 we have been learning about perspective. We discussed new words like horizon and vanishing point as we took inspiration from Vincent Van gogh ‘The Room’. Students either created a bedroom optical illusion or a birds eye view cityscape. The students were very successful in creating a 3D perspective on their 2D paper, don’t you think?


Outside of school, Year 2 students participated in a colouring competition. Judged by Kathryn Anderson, Eleona Telefoni and myself (Morgan Brent), we had many entries to choose from. Well done to those who showed us their personality through colour. It was a tough competition.


Morgan Brent

Year 2 & 3 Art Teacher