Student News

The MacKillop Art Exhibition
The MacKillop Art Exhibition opens tomorrow at the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Bendigo.
This year's entrants from St Mary's are well worth the journey to check them out. Please head on in and you can also vote for your favourites until the 1st of December. The exhibition runs for two weeks.
What are the chances??
In junior maths we are learning all about Chance and using words which describe the chance of an outcome. What are the chances of their being any Skittles left by the end of the lesson? Likely, definitely, maybe........impossible??!!
Foundation - Grade 4 Religion
In religion the Foundation - Grade 4 students have been learning about the story of Jesus' birth and what the gift of Him being born is. Students were asked to created their own 3D nativity scene including the Mary, Joseph, Jesus, the Three Wise Men and the Angel.
Remembrance Day
On Monday, students and staff walked down to the cenotaph and paid our respects to everyone who has given up so much for our way of life. We thought about all the people who left their homes to fight, those who never returned, and those who returned changed people. Students were respectful and reverent throughout the ceremony and sang beautifully.
Health (Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships)
This term, students have been exploring healthy ways to deal with stress, build resilience, and help others. In the Foundation to Grade 2 group, students have been helping Wibbly, who has been asking how to deal with stress, calm down, and make new friends.
Students shared ways they calm down and feel better when stressed or upset. We then wrote these down and shared them with Wibbly. Students also tried out some ways to relax their minds and bodies if they couldn't sleep. First, we pretended to be ice and melted away to prepare our bodies for sleep. Then, we imagined we were lying on a cloud and floated away to our favourite places.
After testing these, we wrote to our friend Wibbly, who asked us about ways to make friends. He told us he is moving to a new school and feels nervous and anxious about this big change. So we shared ways that he could try to calm his nerves about meeting new people.
In the senior class, we have also been looking at ways to manage the challenges we face in life. Last week, we tried out some guided meditation stories and meditative drawings. We played some relaxing music and did some free drawing to express our feelings. After this, we reflected on how this made us feel and if we would try it again in the future.
This week, we shared situations that have made us or those around us feel stressed and worked through ways to deal with the problem or how we could respond differently next time. We also discussed how these situations can affect us and those around us if we don't deal with the issue that created it.
We are feeling a bit more confident about how to deal with our harder emotions going forward.