Assistant Principal News

I hope this newsletter finds you and your families well. We have a few important updates and reminders to share for the coming weeks.
Gastro Precautionary Advice
We’ve been informed of a gastro outbreak affecting some of our neighbouring schools. To keep our school community safe, please remind your children about the importance of good hygiene practices such as frequent handwashing, using hand sanitisers, and avoiding sharing food or drinks with others. If your child displays symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea, please keep them at home for at least 48 hours after symptoms cease to prevent further spread.
Your cooperation is vital in ensuring that our school remains a healthy environment for all. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Department of Education School Review
We are excited to share that our recent School Review by the Department of Education is progressing with great success! We are currently 2 days into a three-day process, which will conclude later this month, producing the final documented School Strategic Plan 2024-2028. This process has highlighted the tremendous work being done by our dedicated teachers and talented students. The review panel has praised our collective commitment to creating an engaging learning environment, and Robert and I couldn't be prouder of the entire school community for the volume of ongoing effort this takes. The formal review process occurs every 4 years in government schools and this year's experience is proving to be a positive way to reflect on our school’s growth and help us continue striving for excellence.
Parent Association Fundraising, Colour Run – October 24th
Get ready for some fun! On October 24th, we will be holding our much anticipated Colour Run. Please ensure your child wears a white t-shirt on the day so they can fully enjoy the colourful experience. This event is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year, and we need your help to make it a success!
You can support the Colour Run by using the QKR App, where donations and sponsorships can be easily managed. All proceeds from the event will go towards exciting projects for our students, including updating the asphalt markings on the playground for better and more engaging play areas.
The Parent Association is committed to making our school a vibrant and welcoming space. With enough funds raised, we will be able to support updating the playground’s asphalt markings with new, fun designs for our students to enjoy during recess and lunchtime. Your participation in the Colour Run fundraiser is key to making this project a reality. Let’s work together to reach our goal and enhance the playground experience for our children!
Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to seeing you at the Colour Run 2-3.30 Oct 24th!
2025 Enrolments
As we begin planning for the 2025 school year, we kindly request your assistance in the classroom compositions for next year. If your child will not be returning to Cheltenham East Primary School in 2025 (excluding Year 6 students), we ask that you please inform the office at your earliest convenience. Your timely communication will greatly assist us in organising our classes effectively and ensuring a smooth transition for all students.
Curriculum Days
Monday November 4th
Friday December 13th