2025 Student Numbers
As we approach the end of the year, we are looking at our student numbers for next year and ways to maintain our overall offerings in the College. The success of our Year 11s in attaining traineeships and apprenticeships leaves us with fewer students in Year 12 each year. This reduces the student numbers which is short of the optimum number, to be able to provide a wide range of programs, supports and activities around the College.
For 2025, we offered 51 Year 10 places instead of the usual 50 and 17 new Year 11 places, the same as last year. We also offered 2 places to Year 12 students for the first time. Staff are busy working through what this means for our incoming students, but current student programs should remain the same for 2025.
Student Council Election
The USA is not the only place where important elections are taking place this year. Prospective Student Councillors spoke to the Year 11 cohort and placed their names on the ballot paper. Mr Dyson has organised the election with all Year 11s and staff and he is now busy tallying all the votes and preferences to see who our Year 12 Councillors will be for next year. I am sure that those elected will be very positive representatives for the College.
Residential Activities
I must give a shout-out to our wonderful Residential supervisors, who do a magnificent job planning interesting and engaging activities and outings for students. They do this based on the number of students staying in residence and following suggestions from students. These activities encourage the development of friendship and togetherness and are fun away from the expectations of the school/residence.
Lately, we have had to cancel some of the activities due to low numbers of students interested in attending. Can I please encourage all students who stay in on weekends to go on the excellent adventures that the residential staff have organised. You never know the fun you will have. I also encourage students to engage in the “Talking Circles,” which are being run again this term around the topic of gossiping.