Student Awards & Birthdays

Student Awards
Student Awards will be presented at our next Assembly this week - Friday October 25 @ 2.45pm (rescheduled from last week).
Foundation |
- Harry Pageot (FSC) - ‘Be Your Best’ for demonstrating fantastic listening on the floor and always remembering to put up your hand to share your wonderful ideas. You always have lovely manners Harry!
- Aubree Macdonald (FSC) - ‘Be Your Best’ for working really hard on your writing by listening carefully to the sounds in words and writing them down. Keep up the great work Aubree!
- Clancy McHenry (FBW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for making fabulous progress in reading. Clancy, your reading is a pleasure to listen to; you are reading with confidence and lovely fluency. Keep up the great work!
- Herbie Freemantle (FBW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for contributing to discussions in our whole class reading activities, such as identifying the hidden message in picture story books and sharing your knowledge of less familiar vocabulary when we notice new words in our stories. Thank you Herbie and well done!
Year 1 & 2 |
- Brooklyn Orchard (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for working hard to improve on his reading through his work in Minilit, the classroom and at home. As a result Brooklyn, your reading has progressed.
- Will Carter (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for a remarkable start to your learning journey at St Joseph’s School. You have shown that you are eager to make the most of every learning opportunity. Welcome Will.
- Hannah Needs (12NW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for a wonderful start to your time here at St Joseph’s. Hannah, it’s a joy to have you with us here at St Joseph’s and we’ve loved having you as part of our classroom.
- Harper Baird (12NW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for writing a detailed introduction during information writing. Harper, the depth you included into your writing was wonderful to see. Well done.
- Riley McArthur (12GM) - ‘Be Responsible’ for making strong choices in class and outside in the yard where you have been a role model to others. Great work Riley and keep it up!
- Ella Henshall (12GM) - ‘Be Your Best’ for making incredible improvement with your spelling words. Keep taking your time to look for the patterns you know and this will allow you to spell even more correctly in the future. Well done Ella!
- Raegan Camm (12GM) - ‘Be Your Best’ for a wonderful transition to St Joseph’s Primary School. You have demonstrated kindness, bravery and a willingness to help others in what has been a tremendous start to this term. Keep up the good work Raegan and you will have a wonderful time.
Year 3 & 4 |
- Percy Ketterer (34LD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for continuously applying himself fully to all learning experiences and being an attentive listener during class discussions. Keep up the great work, Percy!
- Logan Booth (34LD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for consistently working hard during class time to achieve his full potential. Logan, it is pleasing to see you strive to achieve your best. Well done!
- Maxi Carter (34RP) - ‘Be Your Best’ for having an amazing start at St Joseph’s. Welcome and well done Maxi on being your best in all school activities.
- Eddie Everton (3/4ZH) - ‘Be Your Best’ for always paying close attention to instructions, contributing to class discussions and trying your best at every task in the classroom.
- Abbie Hilson (3/4ZH) - ‘Help Others Succeed’ for always looking to help in the classroom, answering questions and keeping everything organised to help her and her class run smoothly.
Camp Awards
- Eli Sackey (34RP) - ‘Be Your Best’ for giving his best effort to all activities, showing courage and resilience.
- Abbie Hilson (34ZH) - ‘Be Your Best’ for excellent resilience and for taking on every challenge with a smile.
- Kayden Brennan (34LD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for being the best belayer Campaspe Downs has seen in a long time.
- Caleb Sackey (34LD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for persisting with activities that were difficult. Caleb was determined to climb higher each time on the rock climbing wall.
- Taanashe Musiza (34RP) - ‘Be Your Best’ for having a positive and cheerful attitude towards all day camp activities.
- Jed Willis (34ZH) - ‘Be Your Best’ for being an amazing listener and great rock climber on camp!
Year 5 & 6 |
- Alexander Htoo (56LB) - ‘Helping Others Succeed’ for helping his classmates with their origami frogs for our procedural text activity. Alexander went above and beyond to ensure his peers had created a frog each. Well done, Alexander!
- Charlie Williams (56LB) - ‘Be Your Best’ for his strong work ethic in the classroom. Charlie conscientiously works during class time and should be proud of himself. Well done, Charlie!
- Thomas Esposito (56TD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for his positive attitude towards his school work. Thomas, it's great to see you concentrate on your writing and work hard to complete set tasks. Well done Thomas.
- Evie Ryan (56TD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for showing great persistence with her Maths Mates book. Evie, I can see you are working hard to improve each week and you are asking for help when needed. Keep up the good work.
- Maddy Kairns (56EN) - ‘Be Your Best’ for always looking out for others and being a great support in the packing up of the activities in the passive area. Maddy, you quietly pack up equipment and tidy up this area often unnoticed. Thank you!
- Lyla Evans (56EN) - ‘Be Responsible’ for your initiative during maths sessions this week. Lyla, you have sought help when needed, taken risks and taken time to go over newly introduced processes. Well done!
- Ben Carter (56EN) - ‘Be Your Best’ for the initiative and organisation in the running of the student Chess tournament. Ben, what an amazing job you did with rosters, boards, timers and the announcements each day! A great role model.
- Devaj Dhungana (56EN) - ‘Be Your Best’ for the initiative and organisation in the running of the student Chess Tournament, announcements each day and scheduling of the players on the timetable. A great role model.
Happy Birthday
We wish many happy returns to all October birthdays - Ella Douglas (FBW), Alexander Martin (56EN), Nate Rutland (34ZH), Clancy McKenry (FBW), Lenny Byrne (FBW), Isla Owies (FBW), Leo Stoltz (56TD), Arlie Sinderberry (12GM), Maddison Williams (12NW), Amelie Hodgson (56TD), Arianna Arendtsz (12MR), Mercedes Arendtsz (12GM), Delilah Devereaux (FSC), Harper Baird (12NW), Khadija Hisham (34LD), Chloe Lalor (56LB), Rachel Maslunka (56LB), Izzy Perera (34LD), Calyn White (34ZH), Tomas Dunne (56LB), Dylan King (12GM), Sid Freemantle (34LD), Isla Williamson (FSC), Saxon Camm (34ZH), Ned Heard (34RP) and Hazel Pay (FSC)
We also wish Mrs Helen Dillon, Mrs Tanya Yeates, Mrs Jo Threlfall and Mrs Angela Wharton a very happy birthday.