Head of Primary Years' Report

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of Hazel Glen College,
We have a busy term ahead with week 4 already upon us. The students have been enjoying the lovely sunshine during their break times in the yard and it is great to see students wearing their hats outside as per our SunSmart policy.
A reminder to families regarding the bike track opposite the school. We are finding that there are many students playing at the track before school starts and sometimes we are seeing students riding their bikes without helmets. The roads around the school are very busy at school drop off and pick up times so please have a chat about the importance of road safety with your children. Please see the safety post from Mr Palazzolo with a link to the latest bike and road safety information for families.
Thank you to the families who took the time to email a teacher for World Teacher's Day last Friday. These messages really brightened the day for many of our staff and we are grateful for these warm wishes to our staff.
Monday the 4th of November is a student free day. Staff will participate in professional development on this day. We hope that you are able to enjoy time together over the extended weekend including Cup Day.
Our Preps enjoyed the annual prep breakfast at school last week. Thanks to Miss Frangos and the Prep team for organising another fun and engaging program for the prep cohort. Our Year 2 cohort had their much anticipated day camp event on Wednesday. There were many team building and resilience building activities happening outside. The weather was amazing and the independence and teamwork was wonderful to see where the students could spend time out of the classroom with their peers having a day full of fun.
Year 3 students have been participating in their weekly swimming program at Kingswim, Mernda. Miss Felle has co-ordinated this valuable program and our students are growing with their swimming abilities whilst enjoying the opportunity to participate in swimming lessons with their peers.
Prep Transition begins next Friday where we will officially welcome our enrolled Prep students for 2025 to participate in classroom sessions with our prep teachers. During this time our current prep students will be allocated to another Primary Years class to take part in some cross-age learning opportunities. Current preps will be reminded to line up outside of Learning Neighbourhood 1 next Friday morning where we will meet them and organise the class that they will go to for the first session.
Our Primary Years Athletics Carnival will take place on Wednesday the 20th of November. More details will be sent on Compass from Mr Silipo. Students can wear their house team colours on the day. The carnival will take place on the oval with classes scheduled to take part in the activities across the day.
Class placements for 2025 are currently in progress. Parents have been welcomed to complete the survey to support their child in making the best choices. Please note that we will endeavour to place your child with at least one person on their list. We work very hard each year and take time and consideration in our process for determining classes in each year level. This is a complex process that takes time, and we do our best to meet the needs of all of our students. When creating classes, we take many factors into consideration including friendships, strengths and challenges. The information you provide us on this form will assist us with placing your child into their class for 2025.
A reminder that next week, on Thursday 7th November is our College Art and Technology Evening. Make sure to come along to enjoy all the art by our Primary Years students, as well as art from our Kinder, Secondary Years and VCE students across the College. Our Student Leadership Academy is also running a sausage sizzle (cash and card accepted) so please make sure to put it in your calendars and come along for what will be a wonderful evening!
World Teacher's Day Appreciation Messages
Andrea Lynch
Head of Primary Years
Hazel Glen College