Building blocks for the future

Exciting news for our Support Unit! We have secured a Lego Spike Essentials Kit, thanks to the stem.T4L Learning Library, for the remainder of the year. The stem.T4L (technology 4 learning) project provides kits of STEM equipment for schools to trial for one term/one semester. The kits include enough equipment for classroom use and are supported with learning resources and training. stem.T4L is an initiative of the NSW Department of Education’s Information Technology Directorate (ITD) with the aim to support teachers, students and schools with the best technology and advice to create engaging digital classrooms.
From moving vehicles to robotic arms, our students have been building some wonderful lego designs. They have been introduced to basic coding concepts and through hands-on exploration, they’re discovering how the code they develop can control their creations. Coding is opening new doors for our students, helping them think creatively, analyse and solve problems, and increase collaboration.
We’re excited to continue using this technology to bring even more engaging and innovative learning experiences into the classroom, preparing students for the digital future!
Leearna Borg
Special Education