Opal Cards for students

Who can apply for an Opal Card?
Read the information on the link below to find out how to apply for an Opal Card. Applications are open now:
Things to know before applying
You only need to apply:
- if applying for a School Term Bus Pass for the first time, or
- if requesting an additional School Term Bus Pass due to parents living separately
- chool days only, via the most direct route. It is only valid for one bus operator.
Before starting the online form
- The form needs to be completed in one session, you will not be able to save a partly completed form.
- You will need a valid email address.
- Applications must be made by a parent or legal guardian if the student is under 16 years of age.
- The student needs to complete and submit the application form if they are 16 years or older.
Things to know after applying
You will be informed of the outcome of the application by email, using the details you provided in the online form. If the application is successful:
- Travel for the number of terms purchased will be loaded onto a School Opal card and sent to your home address.
- You will receive your School Term Bus Pass in approximately 8-10 working days.
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