Celebrating success

As you know this month is Movember and with my colleagues, Mr Dunn, Mr Kelly, Mr Evans, and Mr Howard. We are attempting to grow our mo’s in support of men’s health. If you can support us in raising funds and promoting this conversation, we would appreciate your support. Keep an eye out on our socials for ways you can donate.
For more information you can also visit: https://au.movember.com/
Cowpasture Network Principal Awards
Congratulations to Ms Carter, Mr Clough, Ms Stampetta, and Mrs Jeromin who received awards for their leadership and commitment to Cecil Hills High School in the areas of teaching, leadership, administration, and parent/carer engagement at the Cowpasture Network Principal Awards ceremony last week.
School Uniform
Throughout the year I have communicated the importance of school uniform and its role in promoting an inclusive environment. With parent, carer and student support we have seen a continued improvement in the appropriate wearing of our school uniform and I would like to thank our community for your support.
In 2025 we will be implementing some minor changes to the footwear students are expected to wear. From 2025 all students must wear black leather (not suede) lace up shoes with a hard sole. I have included an infographic below for your reference. If you have any questions, please contact the school.
As we head into the last 18 days of term, it remains important that your child attends school every single day. Being at school is the best place for students to learn as well as to keep social connections and build life-long skills.
We understand that families are eager to see and reconnect with loved ones and take a well-deserved break, but please remember that planned travel should only be taken during scheduled school holidays.
Students should be at school every day during school terms, including until the end of term, unless they are sick or are absent for a justified reason.
Missing a day here or there may not seem like much, but absences add up and can negatively impact your child's learning and wellbeing. When your child misses one day per fortnight, that's 4 weeks of missed learning in one year. Over an entire school journey this adds up to 1 year of lost learning.
We want to do everything we can to help all students be at school every single day, because every day counts. If you have any concerns or questions please talk to me, the front office staff or your class teacher.
School Opal Cards and bus services
In addition to the support of the school, our school bus service provider has asked for the help of parents and carers to ensure that students use their Opal Card to tap on at the beginning of a trip and tap off at the end of a trip, when they travel to and from school.
Opal data gathered by tapping on and off is used to determine demand for bus services. If students fail to tap on and tap off, services for your school may be reduced or even cancelled due to the lack of recorded patronage.
With this in mind, we ask for your assistance in reminding your son/daughter/ward that tapping on and off at the beginning and end of each trip is one of the conditions of using a School Opal card.
Please refer to the Transport for NSW website for further details: https://transportnsw.info/school-pass-terms
Building Update
Topping out ceremony
Today, Ms Cremin and our School Captains Lucas and Rewana joined me in a typical activity that happens for a major construction projects call a topping out ceremony'. This occurs once the main structure reaches the “top” to mark the completion of the main structure. This has historically included placing a tree on the top of the building.
Here is a short YouTube clip about “topping out”:
Andrew King