
Student of the Week Awards - Week 2 & 3
World Teacher Day Awards
Student of the Week Awards - Week 4
FME - Angus H
FA - Max P
1/2K - Mateo DAR
1/2S - Emma P & Zachary G
1/2T - Louis C and Lucas T
3/4L - Billie M and Mia S
3/4J - Dashiel L-S
3/4B - Jethro H
3/4S - Rupert B
5/6BC - Harvey M
5/6K - Adriana H
5/6J - Max M
Happy Birthday for Week 4 to...
Louis F, Flynn D, Pip D-C, Francesca D N, Aryah M, Aadiyaa M, Ted W, Roman R, Martha W, Ted T and Daisy T!!
Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Games Day - 5/6
On Monday 28 October, two teams of Yr 5/6 students represented CNPS in a virtual Maths Games Day - run by MAV (Mathematical Association of Victoria) in collaboration with the Department of Education’s Victorian Challenge and Enrichment program.
One team (the ‘A’ team) consisted of Amelie, Abigail, Audrey and Amelia. The second team consisted of Matt, Manny, Rufus and Max (who spectacularly stepped in at the last moment when Vivienne M was unable to attend).
The day was an opportunity for these students to develop their mathematical talents and thinking skills in fun ways. It was a chance to think laterally and get excited about maths! The teams competed against many other schools in areas of creativity, efficiency and contribution to group work.
Well done and thank you to every team member for demonstrating our school value of resilience throughout these challenging tasks and for representing CNPS in this event.
A Team
B Team
Bike Education - 5/6
The 5/6's have commenced their Bike Ed program. The first few sessions are held at school and next week they will ride around Carlton North. The final day is the Big Bike Ride where the students go on a big adventure along Merri Creek. There are a few students learning to ride for the first time and they are so determined to master it! It is impressive to watch.