Important Dates
Monday 4th November - Curriculum Day - Kinder Closed
Tuesday 5th November - Melbourne Cup Day - Kinder Closed
Friday 8th November - Waratah Bee Incursion Part 2
- Wattle Drama Toolbox Incursion
Monday 11th November - Lasiandra Butterfly Adventure Incursion
Tuesday 12th November - Banksia Drama Toolbox Incursion
Wednesday 13th November - 2025 Information Night (more details to come)
Thursday 14th November - Waratah Butterfly Adventure Incursion
Friday 22nd November - Waratah Drama Toolbox Incursion
Monday 16th December - Last Day of Kinder for Lasiandra and Banksia Groups
Thursday 19th December - Last day of Kinder for Wattle and Waratah Groups
Kinder Closed
Monday the 4th of November is a curriculum day at the kinder, therefore the kinder will be closed and no children attending. The staff will be focusing on writing Transition Statements and Summative Assessments for the day.
Tuesday the 5th of November is Melbourne Cup Day which is a public holiday. The kinder will be closed on this day too.
Payments Due
3YO's - Drama Toolbox Incursion payment due by - 5th November
4YO's - Butterfly Adventure Incursion payment due by 8th November
4YO Waratah - Drama Toolbox Incursion payment OVERDUE
2025 Enrolment forms
A reminder email was sent out to families last week who have not yet completed the 2025 enrolment form for their child. Please don't forget to complete the enrolment forms for 2025. These do need to be fully completed again for a new year.
Information Night
4 YO Dental Visit
The 4 YO groups had a visit from the dentist last week. All the children enjoyed sharing their experiences at the dentist and listening to the story with the Dental Nurse and Dentist. They were shown how to brush their teeth so that all their teeth are reached and looked after. The children who had their teeth checked were so happy to sit with the dentist and let them check their teeth, they all did such an amazing job!
3 YO's farewell their Bunny visitors
Our 3 YO group (along with the staff and 4 YO children) absolutely loved having the bunnies come to stay! We were sad to say goodbye to the last week, but they are super happy to be going back to to farm and will be visiting lots more children at other kinders and events.
The children have learnt about how much effort goes into caring for them and what we need to do to keep them happy and healthy. The bunnies really loved all the lovely snacks the children brought into kinder for them too!
What's been happening lately....
Halloween crafts, Diwali celebrations and activities, building and erupting volcanos and lots of nice weather for water play!!