CSPS Awards

Congratulations to CSPS Students who received Student of the Week. 

Junior Assembly


ClassStudent      Reason
PAPolly DFor your excellent progress in reading. Well done Polly!
PBTal SFor trying hard to always help out around the class
PCNoah SFor working hard to follow school rules and expectations. Keep up the great work Noah! 
PCJayda BFor always showing kindness and care towards her classmates. 
PDOscar EFor being a wonderful role model to the class with his enthusaim for learning.
PDJesse BFor challenging himself to learn all of his new heart words.
1AAsh KFor approaching all tasks with enthusiasm and aiming to do his best.
1ASadie BFor making excellent improvement in reading. Keep up the good work!
1BLucas G For his enthusiasm and patience when helping others.
1CMimi TFor organising herself so well and listening beautifully on the floor.
2AEvie RFor her impressive confidence and expression during debating. You've convinced me! 
2AAlex BFor showing resilience, determination and a desire to learn during challengeing mathematics lessons. 
2BEden KFor always being an enthusiastic learner and for being open-minded to a challenge in maths groups.
2BDean JFor working hard on his debate on why everyone should have a pet. Well done!
2CMaddox SFor being a risk-taker and demonstrating a clear presentation voice when conducting out class debates.
2CJack BFor extending himself in writing and completing a persausive writing piece at home on why Hunky Dork is the best take-away option.
2DLucia DFor always having a positive attitude and doing her best.
2DToby BFor always being willing to lend a helping hand to his peers.


Senior Assembly

Please note that Senior Student of the Week awards will be presented at our next Senior Assembly. 

House Cup Winners

Congratulations to Cowan Bunjils, winners of the House Cup for Week  9.






Congratulations to 2B for being the class who was awarded with the House Cup for respectful audience behaviour at Assembly.