Years 7-9 Coordinator

Darcy McCallum

Upcoming dates:
Tues21stYr 6-7 Transition Information Night 5:30pm
Mon - Fri

27th - 


Yr 9 Canoe Camp
Weds6thYr 6-7 Transition Day

Best of luck to our combined Charlton College and St Arnaud Year 7/8 Hockey Team who are competing in the Hockey State Finals today! 

Year 7 to 10 Science Texts for 2024

The Science text books currently being used by Charlton College at Years 7 to 10 are no longer available to purchase new.  There are 2nd editions available but, although they have similar content, their layout is quite different making it impossible to use in combination with 1st edition texts in Science classes. 


Therefore, as indicated on the book lists, it will be necessary for families to acquire second hand texts. Teachers will be able to assist with this, but please encourage your child(ren) to ask a student in the level below if they need a text and/or ask a student in the level above could they buy their text. There are also a number of used texts available for purchase if you contact Leonie McGurk at school on 5491 1280.


Please note – as requested in previous years, if there are families who have extra texts at home which are not being utilized, please take them to the office at school and a buyer could be arranged for them.  Make sure the name of the seller is included as well as the asking price.  The relevant texts are shown below.