Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

Briony Zagame

This week we spent our time out in the garden weeding the garden beds, and getting ready for our summer seedlings to be planted. We managed to fill 4 wheelbarrows! The chooks, ducks and goats were happy to see us and enjoyed eating the weeds. We discovered 2 brand new little chickens had hatched. They were adorable! We also planted some cucumber seedlings in the garden, along with some sunflower seeds which were placed in the hothouse. Hopefully over the next few weeks we will see them start to grow!

Walking to the farm
Chase using a hoe for the tough weeds
Cody and a baby chicken
Lilymae, Tom and Nate heading to the farm with their wheelbarrow load
Cody and Jess
watering sunflower seeds
Walking to the farm
Chase using a hoe for the tough weeds
Cody and a baby chicken
Lilymae, Tom and Nate heading to the farm with their wheelbarrow load
Cody and Jess
watering sunflower seeds