Learner Diversity

Adaptive Technology - 'C - Pens'
Whether it is Specific Learning Disorder (e.g dyslexia) visual impairments, aphasia, or anything else, a reading disability is challenging. Though the world is very digital, not a day goes by without facing situations where we must decode text printed on paper. C-Pens are designed to promote active independent reading, understanding, and learning.
Students move the C-Pen device along a line of text, the printed text is then made digital. The digital text can then be read aloud (or into the student's ear via earbuds) by text-to-speech software or be pasted into a document on a computer or smartphone.
All of this happens automatically!
A C-Pen device processes one text line at a time. Each new line can be added after the previous one, building up sentences and paragraphs.
Both left and right-handed people can use our models and they all can scan text from left to right as well as from right to left. Borinya currently has two C-Pens in use in the 7-10 program.