Engagement Days 2024

Monday 12th & Tuesday 13th February

Brinbeal Secondary College will be holding two engagement days on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th February 2024. These days will provide our new Year 7 students with a chance to get to know each other and develop their teamwork and sense of belonging.


One of the days will be an excursion to Camp Sunnystones. On this day students will participate in a variety of activities including "The Survival Game" and rafting. These activities will require students to work together, problem solve and demonstrate resilience. The cost of this day will be approximately $120. Further details and permission forms will be provided in January 2024.


On the alternate day students will participate in a range of engagement sessions at school. Including a workshop run by Reach titled Connection. This workshop: Encourages positive self-expression and normalizes individual differences within the group as they share their experiences of high school so far. It builds awareness of behaviou

r and its impact on others, and how it can affect individuals in different ways.


Click on the images below to see the exciting activities that are on offer at Camp Sunnystones.


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