Year 1/2 News

Sean, Lynda and Jack

Exciting Adventures in Literacy, Mathematics, and Inquiry

Students in the Reef are on a thrilling learning journey, exploring various subjects that captivate their curious minds.

Literacy Adventures

Our young learners are fully engaged in discussing stories. They are retelling their favourite tales and exploring different story elements in depth, immersing themselves in the enchanting world of narratives.

Math Magic

Turning their attention to mathematics, the class is embarking on a numeracy adventure. With a focus on division and multiplication, these little mathematicians are mastering the art of numbers through colourful charts and engaging games.


Community Explorers

The class is delving into the heart of our local community. They're discovering what makes our town special, exploring the components that create a community, understanding the unique differences between various communities, and even designing their own imaginative community.

The Reef students continue their exciting learning journey, exploring literacy, math, and inquiry. Stay tuned for updates!