Physical Education

Hi Families,
I can’t believe we are nearly at the end of 2023! What a year filled with LOTS of sporting opportunities it has been! I am already looking towards 2024 planning in PE and our local District schools and we are in for another big one!
Year 6 v Teachers
To finish of the year in sport with our Grade 6ers we have been enjoying some non competitive sporting events against the teachers :) I am pleased to say the teachers were able to win the first round but these may put a little fire in the belly of the year 6ers so watch this space for round 1 and 2 this week.
This week will be my final week teaching the year 6ers and we are finishing off with an SJV style Amazing Fitness Race. I look forward to enjoying this final session with them. It has been a joy to teach these students and I look forward to hearing what they get up to sporting wise in the future.
District Dates for the Diary
Swimming Trials - Wednesday 14th February ( please click here to register your child's interest in attending these)
District Swimming (selected year 3-6 students) - Wednesday 28th February
Cross Country - (selected year 3-6 students) Monday 20th May
Athletics - (selected 4-6 students) - Tuesday 10th September
Gala Days for years 4-6 are still to be finalised but should be locked in by the final newsletter.
Have a fabulous week everyone.
Stay well, stay active
Catherine Wall
Health & PE Teacher
Sport Coordinator