Inside the Classroom


What a year we have had in Primary this year. We have had new students and staff join us throughout the year and we are looking forward to welcoming more students and families for 2024. Each student has made achievements throughout the year - either academically. socially or physically. All staff are very proud of the students. 

There has been some fun with water play over the last few weeks and the Anson Street Christmas party. A great way to end the year.



Kari Priest

Primary Assistant Principal

Stage 4

What a jam-packed end-of-year Stage 4 has had. Stage 4 have participated in the final celebrations within their class groups. 

Class 16 has been completing Macramé Christmas decorations. Macramé requires concentration, focus, and patience. Students have been developing their fine motor skills, problem-solving abilities and attention to detail.

The students are looking forward to a visit from Santa and a well deserved holiday. Merry Christmas to you all.

Billie-Jo Rutten 

Stage 4 Assistant Principal

Stage 5

This week Stage 5 celebrated the end of year with an Aussie style Christmas Party. There were lots of laughs as the students played games including Pin the Nose on Rudolph, Present Unwrapping Challenge and Reindeer Races.  We were also treated to a classic sausage sizzle for lunch.

Congratulations to all our Stage 5 students on such a successful year. All students should be proud of the effort that they have put into working toward the achievement of their learning goals.

Highlights from this year include-

  • Swimming Carnival
  • Kindness Celebration Day
  • Bucket Drumming
  • VERTO Barista course
  • Athletics Carnival
  • School Concert
  • Grandparents Day
  • Schools Spectacular

We wish all students who are moving on to Stage 6 the best of luck in their final years of schooling and look forward to seeing all our Year 9 and 10 students in the New Year.

Have a happy and safe holiday break.

Mrs Elke Cunial

Stage 5 Assistant Principal

Stage 6

The past few weeks have been a buzz with many fun activities in Stage 6! Students have farewelled their year 12 classmates as they finish their 13 years of schooling. We celebrated with a Stage 6 Christmas lunch that included a long table lunch with lots of laughs over terrible Christmas cracker jokes. Students enjoyed assisting in the kitchen to prepare our special lunch and set the table. 

Last Thursday, we celebrated the year 12 students at their special Graduation dinner held at the Hotel Canobolas Ballroom. The night was filled with so many beautiful memories of the students over their school years. 
































































Jess Hodder 

Stage 6 Assistant Principal 


As we head towards the end of the year, we are proud (and a bit sad) to farewell a few of our students. Both Tahlia and Chelsea are heading off to further their education at TAFE. Both girls have been an integral part of Campus life over the last few years. 

We wish them all the best and know that they will grasp this wonderful opportunity with both hands. 

Chelsea has also accepted a traineeship at The Willows Early Learning Centre, as a result of her commitment to work experience this year. We know that Chelsea will be amazing in this setting. 


The girls involved in the SistaSpeak program invited their special guests in for afternoon tea to celebrate the sharing of knowledge and collaboration that underpins the program. Everyone enjoyed the freshly baked scones (made by the girls) and the chance to sit and chat.


Class 19 celebrated the end of the year in style with a special lunch at The Ocean Project and then photos at Cook Park. The girls are all moving on to bigger and better things in 2024, either at TAFE or in Stage 6 on the main site. We are incredibly proud of the progress that each of them has made both academically and socially and know that they will continue to succeed next year.


The final harvest of the vegetable garden yielded an enormous cauliflower, planted by Danny in September. It took all of Iyzacke’s strength to pull it out of the garden bed.

December harvest
September planting
December harvest
September planting

The Christmas spirit has also hit the Campus as everyone counts down to the holidays. We wish everyone a restful break and look forward to the learning and adventures that 2024 will bring.


Kate Griffen

Head Teacher Campus