Positive Education @ Anson

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

As the school year comes to an end and holidays are just around the corner, we encourage all students to be responsible, safe and respectful wherever they are and in whatever they are doing. Holidays are a great time to visit friends and family, have fun outside, play, swim, ride, walk or roll.


Please help your child to understand road safety, water safety and sun safety. We teach these at school so please practise these at home and in any environment your child will be in over the festive period and into the new year.


The final PBL reward for the year was a fun disco where students and staff moved and grooved to their favourite tunes. Hungry tummies were filled with pizza and ice creams and happy feet tapped to the music.


Julie Hudson

PBL Coordinator and Deputy Principal

Positive Wellbeing for Learning (PWL)

This year we have enjoyed learning about the importance our school character pillars play in everyday life and how we can live lives that action these great personal qualities. We enjoyed a great colour run day to show kindness, we experienced a day of curiosity finding out about many interesting things from history, food and even poo! We wrote letters of gratitude to our classmates reminding them how grateful we are to have them in our lives, and we enjoyed a wonderful whole school story "Hope is a Spark" with every student participating in creating our own tree of hope.  


After another very busy year, it is important to spend the holiday break enjoying some relaxing time together. Christmas, New Year and the festive season can be a wonderful time of celebration and connection with people we love. For some of us, it can also be stressful and trigger difficult feelings. Here are a few things for you to do to look after your mental wellbeing and not let the pressures of the Christmas rush create more stress. 

We hope that all our families have a wonderful, relaxing and joyful break and look forward to seeing you all next year.

Jennifer Rosser

PWL coordinator and Deputy Principal