What's Happening

Student Leadership Team 2024


Congratulations to the following students who were elected by their peers and staff. 


Student Leaders 2024


   School Captains:  Stella Gannon and Dylan Reihana

   Vice Captains:  Phebea Holland and Blake Vella

   Secondary Leaders:  Jai Rondo and Zane Templeton

   Primary Captains:  Myah Butler and Zeke McMillan

   Primary Leaders:  Shanika Howarth and Billy McGrath


House Captains


   Dwyer: Alex Potter and Jory Oliver

   Fearnley: Dylan Reihana and Dayle Preston-Bragg

   Southwood: Tom Conolly and Alyssa Thomson

   Murphy: Toby Jones and Stella Gannon


It is a great privilege to represent your school and I look forward to working with you all in 2024.


Melanie Meers





Toot Keegan Champion Day


Please add this important day to your calendar. We will be dedicating our school hall in Toot's honour and will then join together for a friendly, but competitive round of sports, followed by a colour run to finish off the day. 


The day will be Friday 16th February, 2024 in the hall and then on the back oval. We will provide a BBQ for everyone to enjoy and I invite you to join us for some or all of the day. 


Melanie Meers
