Faith Education

Mr Ru Lameijn

Second Week of Advent:  BE PEACEFUL

This week we lit the second candle on our Advent wreath. If you don’t have a wreath, you can light a special candle. 


We watch and wait. 


During this waiting time we bring the experiences of the year past. This circle of green reminds us of the love of God:  endless, but ever new. Take a moment to allow whatever is in your heart to rise, and offer your thoughts to the loving care of the Lord in this second week of Advent. 


Our thoughts may turn to the year that has passed: 

For what am I thankful?  

What could I have done better? 

How have I journeyed with God and Jesus throughout the past year? 

Monday Morning Advent Reflection, All Welcome!

Thank you to the parents who joined us on Monday morning. Next week, on Monday, we will again start our week with assembly and an Advent reflection in the church. We will have our normal Monday morning gathering followed by a prayer, we light the candles, take part in a reflection and a song, before moving on with the busyness of the day.  

End of Year Mass & Class and Choir Carols - All invited

On Thursday the 14th of December at 9.30am or 10am (time is yet to be confirmed...), Father Trung SJ will lead us in the final school Mass for the year. The Mass will be followed by our Christmas Carols. You are all encouraged and welcome (the same as for every Mass throughout the year) to come. 


Kind regards, 


Mr Ru