にほんごの ニュース
Japanese News
Did you know thatおおきいmeans BIG andちいさい means SMALL?
Year 1
にほんのたべもの (Japanese food)
やきそば is Japanese style fried noodles. おいしいです!(It is yummy!)
Year 2
むし (Minibeast)
We learned how to spell the names of the minibeasts in Japanese!
Year 3
ぜつめつききのどうぶつ (Endangered animals )
Japan has many endangered animals and they have been working hard to protect them.
Year 4
おおさかのおともだちにカードをおくります!(We sent our self introduction cards to our Japanese friends!)
よくがんばりました!(Very well done!)
こうじせんせい Koji sensei