Year 4 News


Last week we celebrated Book Week. Students dressed up and we spent the week sharing some of the shortlisted books.



 Year 4 completed an activity on the nominated picture book of the year, 'Dirt By Sea'. 


Here are some of the maps we made:  




We have been studying maps, particularly the region of South America. Students have used resources such as google earth and online clips to gain information on South America and its geographical features. 


Our learning task was completed yesterday and covering coordinates and also the acronym BOLTSS – which includes the important elements required to create a map. Feedback will be available in Compass over the next couple of weeks. 

 Unit of Inquiry & PYP

We have just unpacked our new Central Idea for the Transdisciplinary Theme, 'How We Organise Ourselves', 'Communities Evolve in Response to Many Factors'.


Whilst we unpacked the unit, students were able to come up with their own versions of the central idea using the synonyms that we’d brainstormed – here a few that the children came up with: 


Toby W 4A, Eli 4A, Josh J 4B & Rahd 4A: 

“Groups adapt in reply to multiple ideas” 


Mason 4A, Raymond 4A, Toby B 4A, Takai 4A & Pippa 4B: 

Towns improve in answer to multiple reasons” 


Olivia 4B, Tuck 4A, Ed 4A, Yves 4A & Eliza 4A 

“Groups change in reply to lots of ideas” 


Cooper 4B, Isla 4A, Baylie 4B, Lauren 4A & Alanna 4A: 

“Places change in action to multiple reasons” 


Will 4A, Sonny 4B, Jack 4B & Patrick 4B: 

 “Towns transform in reply to loads of ideas” 


Lara 4B, Aria 4A, Iris 4B, Scarlett 4B & Elena 4A 

“Areas adapt in reply to multiple happenings”