Year 3 News

Bird Feeders

On Thursday the 24 August the year 3 teachers announced that we will be making birdfeeders for wild birds who live in our backyards. We all got really excited and the teachers reminded us that we had cookie cutters in our bag because they told us to bring them on compass. All year 3 students brought unique shaped cookie cutters like cupcakes, animals, cars and more amazing designs.


The teachers have never done this activity before so they said it was going to be an experiment for everyone! The teachers got inspired by a factual narrative called Opal and Dart written by Vianne Brain and illustrated by Clare Bradley. The book is about two wild swallows trying to find a home away from a mean sparrow who keeps destroying their nest.


We made the bird feeders out of gelatine, boiling water and wild bird seeds. The teachers had to mix the ingredients because it included really hot water. After the teachers mixed the ingredients together, they put the mixture in bowls so we could pour the mixture in. An important step was putting a straw in our cookie cutters, so we had a hole in it. We needed a hole so we could hang the bird feeders in our backyard.


After all those steps are complete, we had to wait about 1 day for the bird seed to hardon. When they were hard the teachers carefully took the bird seeds out of the cookie cutter, some of them fell apart but most of them worked. Eventually when they were complete, we had AMAZING bird feeders to hang up in our backyard!                                                            

Thank you, teachers, for setting up this activity:)


By Rosie C 3A and Evelyn F 3A


Book Week Parade


 On 25 August BNPS had a book week parade. 

We have book week to celebrate writers like David Williams and Anh Do.  The students and teachers dressed up as a character from their favourite book. At 9:30 we gathered under the shed to show off each other’s costumes. Even parents came to watch! We all lined up and showed our outfits to everyone with music.  It was a very fun filed day and we all loved showing everyone our costumes. We all got lots of high fives walking past everyone and clapping for one another.


This is what all the teachers came as including the specialist and helper teachers:


  • The preps teachers dressed up as butterflies     
  • The year 1s teachers dressed up as Pig the pug
  • The years 2s teachers dressed up as the very hungry caterpillar
  • The years 3s teachers dressed up as Gangster Granny 
  •  The year 4 and 5s teachers dressed up as the little Mr and Mrs people
  • The year 6s teacher dressed up as characters from Peter rabbit


When went to the library we loved listening to the Authors that won the winners award for the narratives.


We all had an amazing day full of colour.

Thanks to all the adults who came to the parade!  



By Harriet D 3B and Freya M 3B

Factual Narratives                                                       


Year 3 have been writing factual narratives about endangered animals. We want to share the story of endangered animals to raise awareness so that people will take responsibility in the fight to save them. 


We have had 2 weeks to write our individual stories in OneNote and we copied and pasted it onto a word document and edited it.  Then we printed it out we did our illustration that took all of us about 3 to 6 days. 


After we finished our illustrations, we practised recording on flip grid for when we will record our real stories. The teachers gave us a would you rather question and then we had to video our answers in flipgrid. If we messed up, we could delete it and do it again. We could put filters, back rounds and stickers to make it look cool. After we were done recording our practise, we got to look at everyone else’s videos and some boys were doing 2nd or 3rd videos and being silly in them even though they weren’t supposed to do it everyone still found it funny. 


On the 29 August 2023 we get to put our real stories on to Flip Grid and share them with the preps and Year Ones.  All of Year 3 is so excited to show them to the younger students and spread the word about endangered animals and how we can help.


We have had so much fun making these stories it will be sad when we finish them.


This was so fun for everyone!   


 By Lila M 3B and Izzie D 3A