Our Fortnight In Photos





Pupil Free Days 

What a busy few days we have had! 

Students made their own ice cream experimenting with ice and salt to get their mixture to freeze. It was interesting to see some ice cream turn out just like McDonalds soft serve and others not quite getting the desired texture. 


The students realised that if they didn’t shake their bags enough the mixture stayed liquid. For some students, they realised the importance of not rushing ahead and ensuring they are not missing steps in the recipe like ensuring they had two separate bags for the cream mixture and the salt/ice- these students ended up with very salty ice-cream!


Students also enjoyed making sushi and the more they practiced the better they became at rolling the seaweed! 

The rest of the days were filled with group skipping games, movies, dress ups, origami making and paper aeroplane competitions.  









Tomorrow’s Leaders for Sustainability at OSHC Term 4

We have just been informed that we were successful in our application for the Tomorrow’s Leaders for Sustainability (TLfS) scholarship grant in Term 4 this year. 


TLfS is an award-winning program where a qualified facilitator from the EcoCentre will work with a group of our students over one term (one session per week), supporting the development of leadership skills and environmental knowledge. 


The program culminates in a student-directed sustainability project and we can’t wait to see the direction our students take. Over the next few weeks we will be giving students the opportunity to apply for a position in this program in Term 4.   


Just a reminder that wide brimmed hats are required to be worn at OSHC when playing outside from September to April. Please ensure you remind your child/children to have their school hat with them or alternatively pack another wide brimmed hat to use when at OSHC. Students who don’t have hats will be restricted to play in designated shaded areas.


Gardening Club

Do you have a green thumb? 

With Spring right on our doorstep we would love some help with our garden, if you could donate any spare time (must have a valid Working with Children Check) we would love to hear from you.


Thank You 

A huge thank you to Coco (Aiden M mum) for all your donations over the past few months. Yesterday we were very lucky to receive a bunch of tennis racquets and tennis balls for our students to use at OSHC.  


As always, families are welcome to give us feedback about any aspect of the program. We welcome your input! Please feel free to come in and have a chat with Kelly or Amanda or email Kelly  oshc@beaumarisnorthps.vic.edu.au