Student Interview 

 Student Interview with 

Sophie T & Alexandra M 4C


What do you love about school?

Sophie - Ding lots of different activities in sport.


Alexandra - That we have lots of specialists and playgrounds.

What are you most proud of?

Sophie - Making 'State' in Cross Country.


Alexandra - My artwork.

Who is your hero?

Sophie - Gabi my friend.


Alexandra - My mum and dad.

Do you play a sport or have a 


Sophie - I play basketball.


Alexandra - I play basketball as well.


What do you want to be when you grow up?

Sophie - An Athlete.


Alexandra - An Artist.



What did you see recently that made you smile/be happy?

Sophie - Saint Kilda making the finals.


Alexandra - My new house.



If you had a wish, what would        you wish for?                                         

Sophie - Saint Kilda winning a grand final.


Alexandra - To go skiing.