Principal's Report

SSV Football Triumph

We are so proud of all of the boys in the Year 5/6 Football team, who represented BNPS with an incredible performance commitment and attitude throughout the whole tournament.


We are endeavouring to place a photo collage in the foyer of reception to show our pride of the team.


Please see the PE page for a full report.


Vote For The Fete Logo

Votes are now open to vote for your favourite logo for the 2024 Fete.  A table has been set up opposite the office with 3 logos to choose from and small ballot boxes. 


Students will vote during school hours, but parents are welcome to come and have a look and cast a vote if they would like to.  


Book Week Parade




Prep Parade


Year 1 Parade


Year 2 Parade


Year 3 Parade

Year 4 Parade

Year 5 Parade

Year 6 Parade

Staff Parade

Book Week Colouring Competition Winners



Noah R - Prep C










Year 1

Mia R - 1D









Year 2 

Abigail L- 2A









Year 3 

Rosie C - 3A











Year 4

Alexandra M - 4C










Year 5

Grace B - 5A











Raffle Winner - Where's Wally Book

Piper S











Father's Day Stall

I would like to sincerely thank Alison Powell & Kerryn Van Der Merwe for the enormous amount of work that they have put in for this stall.  


Thank you to all of the volunteers who also came forward to help run this stall. Christine Ferguson, Stef Kelly, Ling Li, Sam Mikus, Anita Weeks, Louise Armstrong, Keddie Davis, Tony Price, Lena Sommer, Christy Garlick, Lorna Holmes, Nat Northey & David Swan.


Every grade visited the stall with much enthusiasm and big smiles. 

Busking For Change


Our Busking For Change fund raiser and whole school music performance, was a great success.


The students sang beautifully. 😊


It has been a fun time learning a song that we knew would be sung all around Australia, in many different schools, for the same purpose of raising funds for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.


Singing Kriol

THANK YOU to the BNPS SCHOOL COMMUNITY. You donated $575.45.


First Aid Training

Recently, all staff completed their bi-annual Asthma e-training course. Further to this, on Tuesday after school, all staff attended our annual first aid training session. This included CPR, anaphylaxis and asthma. Staff practised their skills in a hands-on experience, utilising defibrillators, EpiPens, and performing CPR. 


A big thank you to Helen McGrath from Total First Aid, for running these very important sessions and to Kerryn for organising this







Kind regards

Sherril Duffy
