Deputy Head of College News
Mr Charles Brauer
Deputy Head of College News
Mr Charles Brauer
Time is of the essence. Time spent on a task is often a key metric. Time wasted on a task is most certainly a metric! The hallways of households are likely to have echoed with the cry to “stop wasting time!”- “get on with it!” - “it’s about time!”
The most wonderful irony of teaching is the huge educational benefit of “wasting time” with students. In fact, it’s one of the great ironies of life. Through experience (and all those self-help books, podcasts and tweets!) we know spending idle time with a loved one, a friend or a first-time stranger is extraordinarily powerful and mutually energising. We also know it is so difficult to put into practice. It’s a bit like Maths revision – I’ll do the easy questions to keep me busy and feeling good about achieving some study and leave the problem-solving to later, when I have more time. Sometimes we must make time to “waste time” with each other.
I had a plan last week - I’ll use the student-free days to get busy with getting on top of a pile of tasks to feel good and on top of things. The plan changed. Now I would put a line through all of Friday and leave the pile of work to spend time with our Vintage Old Boys at their annual Mass and lunch. Quickly, I accepted my fate and put those hours of busy work to the weekend. Oh well. How wrong I was. The time I spent at the Vintage Old Boys Mass and lunch were among the best moments I’ve experienced at the College and a beautiful “waste of time”.
Here I was welcoming past students back “home”, witnessing the embraces of reunion, listening to the laughter and heckles as stories were shared, feeling the fondness of memories of peers who were no longer with us, sharing a meal, planning the next occasion to catch up. A beautiful “waste of time”.
In short, I quickly re-discovered the essence of being and working with people. And whilst, answering emails and refining policies or procedures is essential to my work with and for people, the most mutually rewarding work lies with the quality time we spend with each other.
I was mentored as a teacher with the art of “wasting time” by a Christian Brother (one of the three evils often proclaimed by Br Cyprian – that’s for another time!). The essence of his message to me was the art and gift of presence with another. This is a fundamental tenant of Catholic education which continues to motivate me in my work. Presence enables strong and healthy relationships which is essential to maximising the impact of teaching, enabling an energised and supportive work environment and strengthening a true sense of community. All of which was on full display by our Vintage Old Boys at last week’s reunions.
Finding time to “waste time” is not news to us. It throws out our plans. It’s counter-modern culture. It’s disturbing. However, it’s a step along the way to the completeness of ourselves and one another. The most important achievement of all.
Changes to teachers to your son/s classes is a reality which the College sometimes manages. These changes can arise through planned and unplanned leave of teaching staff. A key principle underpinning our approach to managing changes to teaching staff is the continuity of teaching and learning for our students. This entails: assessing the timing and extent of leave, replacing staff with suitably qualified and experienced teachers, supporting the resourcing of replacement staff and communicating these changes to students and parents. The current availability and supply of replacement staff is quite challenging. However, we remain committed to ensuring the continuity of teaching and learning to the fullest possible extent.
Following a recent review of the College Bus Service, the College is pleased to announce the below changes to the MCA 2 bus stops. These changes will take effect from Monday 21 August (Week 7). These changes will have minimal impact on total journey time, will improve connections with other services, and will enhance the safety of students using this service. Thank you to those parents and guardians who have provided feedback on the College bus routes.
Further details on the College Bus Service can be found on the College website Getting to Marist - Marist College Ashgrove (
Term 2 photos are available to purchase through Beyond School Photos. Photos include Rugby Union, Football, Cross Country, Chess, Environment, Academic, Mission, Boarding, First Nations, EALD, Year 12 House Groups, Primary Leaders, Technical Crew and VET.
Order through Beyond School Photos website using your Unique Access Key provided by the College. Order before Friday 18 August for free delivery to the College by Monday 4 September.
Please contact Sharon Ortiz ( if you need assistance locating your Unique Access Key.
How Can I Help or Get Involved?
Many of our parents are keen to help in some way to contribute to the Marist community that we are so well known for. Two ways to do this are through volunteering in the College Tuckshop during the day, or through the Sports Canteens on the weekend.
If you would like to volunteer in the Tuckshop during the day, please click on the relevant link below. Our Tuckshop convenor Josie Loucas will take your details and be only too happy to welcome you into the Tuckshop volunteer family. If you are too nervous to volunteer on your own, there is always the possibility of signing up with a friend. Just let Josie know if you want to be there at the same time as a buddy and I know she will help you out. We have parents who leave at the end of their son’s schooling journey commenting on how much they loved their regular (weekly, fortnightly or even term-by-term) Tuckshop catch-up with friends over the years.
For Sports Canteen volunteers, please keep an eye out on the App for calls to sign up. Remember – if you feel more comfortable with a friend, please rope them in and take them along. The more the merrier!